NVX80 Installation Manual
3.5 IR Anti-Mask
IR Anti-Mask Sub-Menu
Menu Item
Response Time
Choose from 30, 60, 120 seconds to define as the detection time required
until an anti-mask event is triggered.
A blue frame appears 3-5 seconds after masking starts and an anti-mask
event is triggered after the selected time frame has passed.
Initiate an anti-mask calibration process
Test Anti-Mask
Test the anti-mask functionality
AM Code
This code is generated after the last anti-mask calibration process and
may be required when communicating with distributor support
Paradox developed the NVX80 to provide superior anti-masking capabilities. The combined Active IR and MW anti-mask
technologies detect an extensive range of materials placed or sprayed on the lens, and object placed in close proximity of the
lens, movement within close range of the unit and the degradation of the lens by dirt or
dust by 50% from factory-set levels. The NVX80 anti-mask technology protects the detector from a wide range of materials;
including but not limited to clear lacquer, aluminum foil, cling wrap, clear adhesive tape, and spray paint.
If an obstruction is detected and remains for a predetermined time, an anti-mask event will be noted. If the object causing the
obstruction, masking or blocking, is removed before the predetermined time has been reached an alarm will not be triggered or
cause an effect on the relays.
Active IR detects any objects blocking the lens in close proximity of the unit; 0 – 30 mm / 0 - 11.8 in. The anti-mask response time
can be set at :30, :60, and :120 seconds. The response time will correspond to the time needed for the masking to persist until an
alarm is triggered. During the response relay time, 3-5 seconds after detection of an obstruction, a blue frame will be displayed.
This will allow for an object accidentally blocking the lens to be removed.
3.6 Wall Tamper
Wall Tamper Sub-Menu
Menu Item
Enable indication on wall tamper events (Default)
Disable indication on wall tamper events