P300 Modem Installation and Operating Handbook
Page 49
Tx Fault: Data input is all ones (AIS)
Rx path OK for 36.8 hrs, BER <1 E12 Info
Traffic Summary Screen (Tx top line, Rx bottom line)
Unit Fault: Tx IF synth failure,
Tx carrier muted.
Unit Fault (overrides Traffic or Configuration Summary screens)
Rx OK since 22:58 on 3/6/97
BER >1E-7* 2 -0 53% Tx
Detailed Receive Traffic Status
When there are no faults this screen shows how long since the last interruption for both paths (as for the
lower line of the example shown), together with the carrier status for the transmit path and the Eb/No
(discussed later) for the receive path. If either path has a traffic fault / warning active, then the status is
replaced by an abbreviated 40 character fault message on the top or the bottom line for Tx & Rx
respectively. A more descriptive message is available on the “Info
” screens accessed with the Down
Arrow key. These display a more descriptive 80 character messages for the Detailed Rx Traffic status,
the Detailed Tx Traffic Status, and a Detailed Demodulator Status.
Any Unit Faults override Tx & Rx Traffic Summary and displays the fault message, such as
When a unit fault is displayed, it takes over the whole of the Tx & Rx Traffic Summary screen (as it is
important, and likely to relate to both Tx & Rx paths). The three detailed screens are however still available
by pressing the Down key from the Unit Fault Message. On each successive press the screen cycles
through the following three screens, until on the fourth press it returns to whichever of the two Status
Screens has been selected as the default.
This screen normally shows the time of the last traffic interruption, the (estimated) user BER, along with
the Doppler buffer overflow & underflow counts (reset by
), and the current
buffer fill status. If the BER indication is followed by an asterisk, then there have been less than 100 errors,
and the results are statistically weak. If there is a receive traffic fault, then a more detailed two line
description of the fault/warning replaces the status information (as opposed to the one line message on
the Status Traffic Summary Screen). Pressing down again selects the Transmit Detailed Traffic Status.