Pantech Ease Скачать руководство пользователя страница 55



Advanced Mode - Calls and address book






4. To add members to group, tap 



5. Select the members > 



Editing groups

1. Tap 









2.  To edit group, tap the group > 



 Rename Group





 Remove Members 


 Edit Members


3. To send message to group members, tap 

Send Message


4. To delete group, tap 



Address book settings

Managing my info

1. Tap 





My Settings




My Info


Setting the sort order

1. Tap 





My Settings




Sort Contacts


2. Select 

First Name 


 Last Name >


Setting address book

1. Tap 





My Settings




AT&T Address Book


Setting SIM management

1. Tap 





My Settings




SIM Management


Caller identification

Caller identification


1. Tap 









 Display My Number


2. Select 

Network Default






Using your headset

You can make or receive a call using your headset.
When you connect your headset to the jack the button on the headset 
works as follows.


 You must to use the headset designed for this device. It is optional

accessory. Not all headsets will have a button.

While in standby mode

1. Tap the button 


 to list recent calls.

2. Tap the button 


 to redial the last call.

Service numbers and fixed dialing

Calling your service numbers


You can see the service number to reach the service provider.

1. Tap 





My Settings




Service Numbers


2. Select a number.

Содержание Ease

Страница 1: ...ePantechEASEhasmanyfeaturesdesignedtoenhanceyour mobileexperience Fromitsunique stylishdesignandQWERTY keypad weknowyouwillenjoytheentireEASEexperience ThisUserGuidecontainsimportantandusefulinformati...

Страница 2: ...sor10seconds Photoalbumandvideoalbum Dimensions Weight Weight 137g 4 86oz withstandardbattery Dimensions 114mmx58mmx14 25mm 4 48 x2 28 x0 56 PowerManagement Performance BatteryType Capacity StandbyTim...

Страница 3: ...119 Email 121 Usinginstantmessenger 121 3 Multimedia Camera 124 Photoalbum 129 Videoalbum 131 Specifications 2 Memo 7 Phoneoverview 8 Quick Easy 9 Menuoverview 13 SIMcardandbattery 22 Memorycard 25 Tu...

Страница 4: ...8 5 Connectivity Bluetooth 152 AppCenter 154 AccessingtheAT TServices 155 AccessingandUsingMobileWeb 157 Profilesettings 160 6 Settings Phone 164 Settingsoundprofile 164 Display 164 TouchSettings 166...

Страница 5: ...onevolume vibratemodeandsilentall modeinstandby Mutetheringtoneofanincomingcall AccesstheSayaCommandfeature Turncameraon Takepicturewhencameraison Phoneoverview Touchmodeview Earpiece Endkey Endcalls...

Страница 6: ...hardreturnintextinputmode Deleteacharactertotheleftofthetextcursorintextediting screen Presstoviewtotypeaspecialcharacterthatisnotplacedon thekeypad Accessvoicemailifpressedinstandbymode Enternumbers...

Страница 7: ...yCastWeather MobileWeb Games Apps MyAccount Messaging Inbox CreateMessage Drafts SentMessages VoiceMail MobileEmail Tools Calendar AlarmClock PillReminder Calculator TipCalculator Pedometer Camera Tak...

Страница 8: ...Pmobile MobileWeb Messaging Inbox CreateMessage MobileEmail IM Outbox Drafts VoiceMail Settings Templates UsedSpace Advancedmodemenu MobileEmail AT TSocialNet AddressBook AllContacts Favorites Groups...

Страница 9: ...WorldSeriesofPokerHL Apps ShopApplications ShopGPS AllSportGPS AT TSocialNet Maps MobileBanking MobileWeb MobiTV My CastWeather PocketExpress WikiMobile Browser AT TMusic MusicPlayer ShopMusic AT TRad...

Страница 10: ...ayer AlarmClock Calendar Notepad SketchPad VoiceMemo WorldTime Calculator TipCalculator Converter StopWatch Timer SayaCommand Settings PhoneMode Profiles Display Call Phone Touch Connectivity Security...

Страница 11: ...20 21 Bluetooth Settings Search MyInfo Alarm SimpleAlarm MyAccount Memo...

Страница 12: ...urnearestdealer Note YourphoneispoweredbyaLithiumIon Li Ion battery Unlikeother formsofbatterytechnology youcanrechargeyourbatterywhilesomecharge remainswithoutreducingyourphone sautonomyduetothe batt...

Страница 13: ...1 Ifnot itwilldamagethechargingconnectoron thephoneandwillnotcharge 2 Toremovepulltheadapteraway 2 Memorycard YoucanuseamicroSDcardasamemorycard Itgivesyoumorespacetosavepictures videos music etc Inse...

Страница 14: ...e Q DGYDQFHG PRGH 1 TapMenu Menu MyStuff Audio Picture VideoorOtherFiles 2 Taptoselectthefolderorfile 3 TapCofselectedfile Copy 4 TapD MemoryCard 5 TaptoselectthefolderorOptions CreateNewFolder 6 TapC...

Страница 15: ...structionsonyourcomputerscreen Note SelectMusicPlayerwhenyouwanttoaddmusictotheplaylistinyour device WhenyouselectAskonConnection itwillaskyoutoselecteithertheMusic PlayerorMassStorageeverytimeyouconn...

Страница 16: ...eAlarmisset PillReminderisset Receivedoneormoretextmessages Receivedoneormoremultimediamessages Receivedoneormorevoicemessages ReceivedoneormoreWAPpushmessages Amessageisbeingsent Amessageisbeingrecei...

Страница 17: ...MandYAHOOnewmessages Receivedoneormoretextmessages Receivedoneormoremultimediamessages Receivedoneormorevoicemessages ReceivedoneormoreWAPpushmessages Amessageisbeingsent Amessageisbeingreceived Amess...

Страница 18: ...hefunctionsusedmost frequently IntheEasymode youcanviewaneasytoread easytoaccess abbreviatedmenu AddressBook Messaging Camera AT TServices ToolsandSettings TheAdvancedModeallowsaccesstoallmenuitems Ea...

Страница 19: ...ngpointforusingtheapplicationsonyour phone Youcancustomizethehomescreentodisplayapplicationicons shortcuts folders andwidgetsaccordingtoyourpreference Aboutyourhomescreen Mainscreen Thephone smainhome...

Страница 20: ...gnedtothehomescreen you canrepositiontheitemsforyourconvenience 1 Selectandholduntil appears 2 Dragtothedesiredposition 3 Positiontheitem thenreleaseit Navigatingthroughmenus EASEhas3differentmenuscre...

Страница 21: ...ngfunctions Call Makeavoicecallwhileusingthehandsetforothertasks IfMusic Playerisactive itismutedduringthecall Messaging Sendatextormultimediamessagewhileusingthe handsetforothertasks MobileWeb Launch...

Страница 22: ...wareUpdate 2 TapCheckforUpdate Yestocheckwhetherornotyouneedto updatethesoftware Note Afterdownloadingthesoftware thedevicewillaskyouwhetherto updatethesoftwarenoworlater Ifyouchoosetoupdatethesoftwar...

Страница 23: ...king receiving and ending calls UsingVideo Share Options during a call Checking all calls Speed dialing Using the address book Address book settings Using your headset Fixed dialing Callsandaddressboo...

Страница 24: ...helastnumberintheRecentCallslist press Makingacallduringacall 1 EnterthephonenumberorlookitupinAddressBook 2 Press todialthesecondcall Thefirstcallisautomaticallyputon hold Switchingbetweentwocalls 1...

Страница 25: ...forthe durationoftheVideoShare Callmode VideoShareMode Makingvideosharecall 1 Entertheareacodeandphonenumber 2 TapOptions VideoShare 3 SelectLiveorRecorded Note TousevideoshareintheRecentCalls tapOpti...

Страница 26: ...TapMute Mute Switchingyourphone smicrophonebackon 1 TapMute Mute Turningonspeakerphone 1 TapSpeaker Speaker Turningoffspeakerphone 1 TapSpeaker Speaker Puttingacallonholdandreturning1 Puttingacallonh...

Страница 27: ...pInfotoseephonenumbersorCalltocallanumber Searchingforanameorgroupintheaddressbook EnterthefirstlettersofthenameforNameSearch Theentriesare displayedstartingwiththefirstentrymatchingyourinput Findinga...

Страница 28: ...llTime 2 TapReset Yes 3 Enterpassword OK Note Thedefaultpasswordis 1234 Speeddialing Youcandialquicklyusingspeeddialing Upto8phonenumberscanbe programmedusingnumbers2to9 Settingspeeddial 1 TapDial Spe...

Страница 29: ...Options SendContact 4 YoucansendtheinformationusingMultimediaMessageor Bluetooth Deletingacontact 1 TapMenu AddressBook 2 Scrollupordownthealphabetbaruntilyousee thecontactortap Searchandenterthename...

Страница 30: ...gyourheadset Whenyouconnectyourheadsettotheport thebuttonontheheadset worksasfollows Note Youmusttouseaheadsetdesignedforthisdevice Itisoptional accessory Notallheadsetswillhaveabutton Whileinstandbym...

Страница 31: ...60 2 Entering text Messaging Receiving messages Creating and sending text messages Creating multimedia messages Messaging Memo...

Страница 32: ...nternallinguisticdictionarytodeterminethecorrectword Itwill displaythemostcommonlyusedwordfirst Tosaveawordnotlistedin phone sdictionary 1 Fromthetextentryscreen opentheslidetoinputthetextandtap otoch...

Страница 33: ...emessages 1 TapMenu Messaging Inbox 2 TapDelete 3 Selectthemessagetodeletebytapping 4 TapDelete Yes 5 Toselectallmessages tapAll 6 Tocanceldeletingactionpress Replyingtoamessage 1 Selectamessage Reply...

Страница 34: ...econtactthentapthedesiredphonenumberfromthepop up window 3 Tapthetextwindowtoaddtext Slideopenthekeyboardtotype 4 TapOK 5 TapSend 6 Toviewsentmessage tapMenu Messaging SentMessages Note Allsuccessfull...

Страница 35: ...siredphonenumberfromthepop up window 3 Tapthetextwindowtoaddtext Slideopenthekeyboardtotype 4 TapOK 5 TapInsert Video AddExisting 6 TapthedesiredvideocliptoinsertandtapSelect 7 TapSend Addinganewvideo...

Страница 36: ...tthetextmessage tapthetextbox 9 TapSend Addinganewvoicememotothemessage 1 TapMenu Messaging CreateMessage 2 Taptheaddressfieldandthenscrolltothedesiredcontact Tapthecontactthentapthedesiredphonenumber...

Страница 37: ...ngstochangesettingspriortotakingapicture Intheoptionsmenuforcamera Icons Name Description GEOTagging Off On White Balance Auto DayLight Cloudy Fluorescent Incandescent Effect Normal Sepia Negative B W...

Страница 38: ...est resolution Increasingordecreasingthebrightness 1 Tap thentapborc Itrangesfrom 3to 3 Changingtovideocameramode 1 PressQ instandbymodeortapMenu Camera TakePhoto 2 TapOptionsandthenVideoCameraModewhi...

Страница 39: Camera TakeVideo 2 TapOptionsandselectCameraModewhilevideocameramodeis activatedorsimplyjusttap Fordetailsontakingapicture seepage72 Viewingtherecordedvideoclip 1 TapMenu Camera MyVideos 2 Selectth...

Страница 40: ...hepicture Setas Wallpaper Settingascalleridentification 1 TapMenu Camera MyPictures 2 TapCoftheselectedpicture Setas CallerID Sendingpicturesusingmultimediamessage 1 TapMenu Camera MyPictures 2 TapCof...

Страница 41: ...ernalmemorycard Movehere Usingvideoplayercontrols To Tap Pause Play Previoustrack Nexttrack Fastrewind Tapandhold Fastforward Tapandhold Controlvolume orpresssidevolumekeys Sendingvideoclipusingmultim...

Страница 42: ...82 4 Alarm Calendar Calculator andTip Calculator Pill Reminder Pedometer UsefulFeatures Memo...

Страница 43: ...larmClock 2 Scrollandtapanalarmtoviewthedetail Editingexistingalarms 1 TapMenu Tools AlarmClock 2 Scrollandtaptoselectanalarm 3 Editthealarmasyoucreateanalarm 4 TapSave Settingsimplyalarm 1 TapMenu To...

Страница 44: ...inder Usethisfeaturetohelpremindyoutotakeyourdaily weeklyor monthlymedications Creatinganewpillreminder 1 TapMenu Tools PillReminder 2 TapCreateNew 3 TapTake takeapicture 4 EntertheName Dosage Timeand...

Страница 45: ...ometer 1 TapMenu Tools Pedometer 2 TapStarttostartwalksmeasure 3 TapStoptostop Note PedometerisonlyavailableinEasyMode Placethephoneintheupperfrontpocketofyourjacket inabagyouhold tightly orattachtoyo...

Страница 46: ...90 5 Bluetooth Accessing AT T Services Connectivity Memo...

Страница 47: ...vanceAudioDistributionProfile A2DP isaBluetoothprofile mode whichisdesignedtotransferauni directional2 channelstereoaudiostream toaheadsetorcaraudio ActivatingBluetooth 1 TapMenu Settings Bluetooth 2...

Страница 48: ...Bluetooth 2 TapSettings DragtheVisibilitybartoOnorOff 3 TapSave Namingthephone 1 TapMenu Settings Bluetooth MyInfo 2 TapNamefiledtoeditthename OK Note ThedevicenameiswhatidentifiesyourphonetoBluetoot...

Страница 49: ...96 Memo 6 Sound Profile Display Readout mode Settings...

Страница 50: ...therimages tapWallpaper 4 TapImagestoseepreloadedanddownloadedwallpapersortap Cameratoseeyourpictures 5 Scrollandtaptoselectthefile Select Settingclock 1 TapMenu Settings Display 2 TapWallpaper 3 TapC...

Страница 51: ...dialing Callsandaddressbook withAdvancedMode 1 Settingtimeforbacklight 1 TapMenu Settings Display 2 TapBacklighting 3 Tap tosetthetimeofScreenBacklightandKeypad Backlight Save Note Modifyingbacklight...

Страница 52: ...Checkingthepacket 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Call PacketCounter 2 SelectTotal CurrentorLast SettingsforVideoShare Turningthealerton off 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Call VideoShare 2 PressAlerts 3 Dragthebar...

Страница 53: ...ess CallRankingzortapMenu MyStuff Tools 2 TapRecentCalls CallRanking Deletingcalllogs 1 TapMenu Menu MyStuff Tools 2 TapRecentCalls DeleteCallLogs 3 SelectAllCalls MissedCalls ReceivedCallsorDialedCal...

Страница 54: ...viewthedetailedinformation 4 Toupdateinformation tapEdit Callingfromthecontactlist 1 TapContacts RQWDFWV AllContactsO 2 ScrollthescreenupordownortapSearchandenterthenameto findthecontact 3 TapQ Forwar...

Страница 55: ...Contacts RQWDFWV MySettingsN AT TAddressBook SettingSIMmanagement 1 TapContacts RQWDFWV MySettingsN SIMManagement Calleridentification Calleridentification1 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Call DisplayMyNumbe...

Страница 56: ...Fixeddialingisaservicethatlimitsyouraccesstospecificnumbersin theaddressbooklistrecordedontheSIM InputthePIN2tosetupor cancelthisservice 1 TapContacts RQWDFWV MySettingsN FDNList 2 Selectanumber Note...

Страница 57: ...ollthroughthesesequentialoptions listedbylanguage Key English French Spanish 1 2 a b c Key English French Spanish 3 d e f 4 g h i 5 j k l 6 m n o 7 p q r s 8 t u v 9 w x y z Predictivemode Thepredicti...

Страница 58: ...eiveandsavethetextmessagesandmultimedia messages Managingmemory Upto200messagescanbestoredinthephonememory additional messageswillbesavedtotheSIMcard Whenthemessageboxisfull themessagesfulliconwillapp...

Страница 59: ...electanobject 3 TapUse Save ItwillbesavedinoneofthecategoriesintheMyStufffolder Fordetailsonphotoalbum seepage129 Listeningtovoicemessage 1 TapDialandholdXortapMenu Menu Messaging Voice Mail Pressandh...

Страница 60: ...Messaging Templates 2 Selectthemessagetosend 3 Tapthetextboxandaddmoremessages 4 Taptherecipientfiledtoaddarecipient s andselectthecontact OK 5 TapSend Messagesettings Settingmessagecenter 1 Menu Men...

Страница 61: ...umberofthevoicemailcenter Save Note Thisnumbermaybepre configuredbytheserviceproviderupon activation Settingforautodeleteoldestmessage 1 Menu Menu Messaging Settings 2 TapAutoDelete 3 DragthebartoOnor...

Страница 62: ...122 Memo Camera Photo album Video album Audio album Music Player Music player settings Audio player Media player Other files Managing memory Playing games Multimedia withAdvancedMode 3...

Страница 63: ...apMenu Menu Camera 2 Focusontheobjectandtap Note YourphotowillbesavedautomaticallytoMenu Menu MyStuff Picture CameraorMenu Menu Picture Camera Changingtovideocameramode 1 Press instandbymodeortapMenu...

Страница 64: ...omatically Selfeffect 1 Press instandbymodeortapMenu Menu Camera 2 Tap Self 6HOI 3 Focusonmyselfandpress tocapture Note Youwillhearthebeepsoundwhenyoutrytofocusonperson The beepsoundwilldependonnumber...

Страница 65: ...Mode Fordetailsontakingapicture seepage124 Viewingtherecordedvideoclip 1 TapMenu Menu Tools VideoCamera 2 TapAlbum 3 Selectthevideoclipbytapping Photoalbum Youcansavephotostoyourphoneoranexternalmemor...

Страница 66: ...TapCoftheselectedpicture Properties Videoalbum Youcanview send saveanddeletevideos Thesupportedformatsare MP4 WMA 3GPand3G2 Playingthesavedvideoclips 1 TapMenu Menu Video 2 Tapthevideocliptoplay Send...

Страница 67: ...usicPlayer The MusicPlayerisonlycompatiblewithandcanplaythefollowingaudio typessavedinMP3 AAC AAC and WMA Note microSDcardmustbeinsertedtotransfermusictoyourdevice AddingmusicfromWindowsMediaPlayerTM...

Страница 68: ...ctacategorytoplaythemusic 3 Scrollandselectthefile 4 TapC Properties 5 ScrollingupordowntoviewTrackNumber Title Artist Album Genre PlayCounter Duration FileName FileSize Location Format BitRate Create...

Страница 69: ...peatingthemusic 1 TapMenu Menu AT TMusic MusicPlayer 2 TapSettings Repeat 3 TapRepeatAllTracks RepeatSingleTrackorRepeatOff 4 TapSave Settingequalizer 1 TapMenu Menu AT TMusic MusicPlayer 2 TapSetting...

Страница 70: ...f Audio 2 TapOptions CopyorMove 3 Selectthefiletomove Move 4 Movetootherfolderorexternalmemorycard Movehere TheselectedsoundwillbecopiedormovedtoAudiofolderinexternal memorycard Sendingsoundfileusingm...

Страница 71: ...u Menu Tools MediaPlayer 2 TapAudio 3 Tapthefolderandfile Fortheaudioplayercontrolseepage137 Otherfiles Youcanmanageunsupportedfilesformatsthataresavedonyour phone Viewingthelistofthefiles 1 TapMenu M...

Страница 72: ...and voice memo World time Converter Stop watch and timer Sketch pad Memory information UsefulFeatures withAdvancedMode 4 2 Scrollandtaptoplaypre installedgames Shopgames 1 TapMenu Menu Games 2 TapShop...

Страница 73: ...toptostoprecording ItwillbeautomaticallysaveonMyVoice 5 TapPlaytolisten Note ToaccessMyVoice tapMenu Menu MyStuff Audio MyVoice Listeningtherecordedsound 1 TapMenu Menu MyStuff Audio MyVoice 2 Scrolla...

Страница 74: ...tedbyaclockicon wappearsontheidlescreenandindicatesthatstopwatchcontinuesto work ToreturntotheStopWatchmenu taptheclockicon Usingtimer 1 TapMenu Menu Tools Timer 2 TapSettoinputthetime 3 Scrolltosetth...

Страница 75: ...Settingaswallpaper 1 TapMenu Menu Tools SketchPad 2 Aftersavingdrawing tap Options SetasWallpaper Sendingthedrawing 1 TapMenu Menu Tools SketchPad 2 Aftersavingdrawing tap Options Send 3 Taptoselectas...

Страница 76: ...150 Memo Bluetooth AppCenter Accessing AT T Services Accessing and Using MobileWeb Profile settings Connectivity withAdvancedMode 5...

Страница 77: ...ransferviaBluetooth Note AdvanceAudioDistributionProfile A2DP isaBluetoothprofile mode whichisdesignedtotransferauni directional2 channelstereoaudiostream toaheadsetorcaraudio ActivatingBluetooth 1 Ta...

Страница 78: ...efiledtoeditthename OK Note ThedevicenameiswhatidentifiesyourphonetoBluetoothnetwork AppCenter AppCenter 1 TapMenu Menu AppCenter ShoppingApplications 1 TapMenu Menu Apps ShopApplications ShoppingTone...

Страница 79: ...Menu Menu Where AccessingAT TFamilyMap 1 TapMenu Menu AT TFamilyMap AccessingMobileVideo 1 TapMenu Menu MobileVideo AccessingFacebook 1 TapMenu Menu Facebook AccessingMySpace 1 TapMenu Menu MySpace Ac...

Страница 80: ...ry 1 TapMenu Menu MyStuff Applications 2 TapBrowser History Settingadvancedoptions 1 TapMenu Menu MyStuff Applications 2 TapBrowser Manage Options 3 ChangetheRenderingMode Cache Cookies SecurityWarnin...

Страница 81: ...nnectionType ProxyAddressandProxyPort Viewingdefaultprofile 1 TapMenu Menu MyStuff Applications 2 TapBrowser Manage Profiles 3 TapCtoviewthedetail Addingnewprofile 1 TapCreate 2 Tapeachfiledtoenterthe...

Страница 82: ...162 Setting the phone mode Phone Setting sound profile Display Touch Settings LockingYour Phone Reset TTY Settings withAdvancedMode 6 Memo...

Страница 83: ...ChangetheoptionsandtapSave Noisesuppression 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Profiles 2 DragbartoOnorOff Display Shoppinghomescreen 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Display 2 TapShopWallpapers Settingthehomescreen Set...

Страница 84: ...icallyafterthebacklightisturnedoff LockingYourPhone Lockingthephone 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Security 2 DragthePhoneLockbartoOnorOff 3 Enterpassword Note Thedefaultpasswordis 1234 Tochangethepasswordta...

Страница 85: ...rReset 6 TapYesorNo Note Itwillreturnconfigurationsettingstodefault Thedefaultpasswordis 1234 ExternalMemoryReset 1 TapMenu Menu Settings Reset 5 Enterpassword ExternalMemoryReset 6 TapYesorNo Note Th...

Страница 86: ...essage Troubleshooting checklist Safety information Safety precautions About the battery usage FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility HAC Regulations forWireless Devices FCC Regulatory Compliance Warranty Appe...

Страница 87: ...eappears InputPIN1 Ifyoucannotrememberit contactyourserviceprovider Youcan stillreceivecallsevenifyourmobilephonebecomeslockedafterenteringthe incorrectPIN1onthreeconsecutiveattempts Whenthe NoService...

Страница 88: ...mobilephoneindryconditionsandkeepitwithinnormal operatingtemperatures Temperatureshigherthan55 C 131 F orlower than 20 C 4 F maydamageyourphone Donottrytodryyourphoneinamicrowaveoven Ifnot sparkscanoc...

Страница 89: ...mthesteeringwheelandairbag expansionarea otherwiseinjurymayresult Mobilephonesandotherelectronicdevices Mobilephonesemitelectromagneticwavesthatmayaffectnearbyelectronic devices Whenitisswitchedon don...

Страница 90: ...thatnometalobjectscomeintocontact withthe and terminalsofthebattery FCCHearing AidCompatibility HAC regulations forwirelessdevices OnJuly10 2003 theU S FederalCommunicationsCommission FCC Report andOr...

Страница 91: ...oftheFCCRules TheHACratingandmeasurementprocedurearedescribedintheAmerican NationalStandardsInstitute ANSI C63 19standard ToensurethattheHearingAidCompatibilityratingforyourphoneis maintained secondar...

Страница 92: ...ewithFCCRFexposure guidelines useonlyaccessoriesthatcontainnometalliccomponentsand provideaseparationdistanceof20mm 0 6inches tothebody Useof otheraccessoriesmayviolateFCCRFexposureguidelinesandshould...

Страница 93: ...ultsinproductfailurewithinthe firsttwelve 12 monthsperiodfromthedateofpurchase suchdefect s will berepairedorreplaced withneworrebuiltparts attheCompany soption withoutchargeforpartsorlabordirectlyrel...


Страница 95: ...188 Forallotherinquiry writeto PANTECHWIRELESS INC 5607GlenridgeDr Suite500Atlanta GA30342...
