Installation Instruction - SW3-334
This instruc on covers low profi le antennas with two moun ng bushes and UHF combina on func onality. The antenna is low profi le, doesn’t require a
groundplane and is op mised for use on non-conduc ve moun ng panels. The antenna can be mounted on metal panels but the performance will alter
- contact Panorama ahead of order for specifi c tuning for your applica on. The antenna will fi t panels of up to 9mm (0.35”) thickness.
Select A Suitable Mounting Location
Select suitable moun ng loca on which is spaced away from other structures on the moun ng panel. The appropriate distance will depend on height of
structure, but minimum recommended spacing is one wavelength at the lowest opera ng frequency for the antenna. To calculate this, see below:
300 / frequency in MHz = Wave length (m) As an example for 900MHz - 300/900 = 0.33m (1’).
Ensure adequate under panel clearance and check for double skin or posi on of any cross brace. Measure to check for central posi on if applicable. Two
14mm (0.55”) clearance holes are requires at 60mm (2.36”) centre to centre.
Mount the Antenna
Mark hole centre loca ons. Mask the panel area around the hole posi ons
to protect the paintwork and headliner (if applicable). Drill a pilot hole, then
increase to 14mm (0.55”) clearance, ensuring that the drill/cu er bit does not
contact anything under the panel.
Clean area around the holes, carefully removing all swarf. Apply some
petroleum jelly or paint around the hole to prevent corrosion.
Remove the protec ve backing from the underside of the antenna, feed the coaxial cable through the panel. Posi on the antenna over the holes
ensuring correct orienta on if applicable and s ck to panel by applying fi rm downward pressure. For op mal adhesion the antenna should be only
be installed at temperatures above 16°C (60°F). Assemble the nuts and washers from underside and ghten.
Fitting the Antenna
Important Notices
Routing and Terminating Coaxial Cable(s)
Route the coaxial cable to the equipment, taking care to avoid running adjacent to exis ng wiring or fouling any moving component. The cable(s) must
not be routed in front of any airbag device.
Prepare and Make Holes
European Waste Electronic Equipment
Direc ve 2002/96/EC
Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. All electronic products with the WEEE logo
must be collected and sent to approved operators for safe disposal or recycling. Please recycle where facili es exist. Many
electrical/electronic equipment retailers facilitate “Distributor Take-Back scheme”for household WEEE. Check with your Local
Authority or electronic retailers for designated collec on facili es where WEEE can be disposed of for free.
• operate the transmi er when someone is within 20cm (8”) of the antenna.
• operate the equipment in an explosive atmosphere.
• a empt to install the antennas without the proper safe equipment to access the install loca on.
• chew parts or put them in mouth, keep away from unsupervised children.
• install the antenna without using the adhesive pad unless sealing the periphery with appropriate sealant.
This document represents information compiled to the best of our present knowledge. It is not intended as a representation or warranty of fi tness of the products described for
any particular purpose. This document details guidelines for general information purposes only. Always seek specialist advice when planning installations and ensure that antennas are
always installed by a properly qualifi ed installer in compliance with local laws and regulations.