The result of field setup of the mask area and level adjustment is fed back (effected) to the lens
iris control in ALC mode.
(3) Shutter Speed (SHUTTER)
You can select a shutter speed of 1/60 (OFF), 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1 000, 1/2 000, 1/4 000, and
1/10 000 seconds.
See page 32 for the setting.
(4) Gain Control (AGC)
You can set the gain (brightness level portion of an image) to automatic adjustment [Automatic Gain
Control ON (LOW, MID, HIGH)] or fixed (Automatic Gain Control OFF).
See page 32 for the setting.
(5) Synchronization (SYNC)
You can select the internal sync (INT) mode or the line-lock sync (LL) mode. Additionally, this model
accepts the VD2 signal (multiplexed vertical drive signal with the composite video output signal) from
a specified component. Whenever the VD2 signal is supplied to this camera, the camera automatical-
ly switches to the VD2 sync mode.
When you select the line-lock sync (LL) mode, you can set vertical phase adjustment.
See page 33 for the setting.
Important Notices:
The priority of sync modes is given as follows:
1. Multiplexed vertical drive (VD2) (highest)
2. Line-lock (LL)
3. Internal sync (INT) (lowest)
The priority of the automatic sync mode is the same as shown above.