When removing the HDD unit, it is necessary to perform the removal process in advance. When replacing the HDD unit, it is
necessary to perform the removal process/the link process.
• Consult the dealer for the removal process/removal and the link process/installation of the HDD unit.
• Once the installation process is completed, the data in the HDD unit is deleted.
After the removing process is completed, the HDD unit can be removed even if the recorder is operating. The following explains
procedures for how to remove the HDD unit after the removing process.
Step 1
After inserting the provided key into the key hole on
the front cover, push and turn it to the right to open
the front cover.
Step 2
Remove the HDD unit.
Pull the lever up while holding down the removal knob on
the HDD unit.
Pull the HDD unit out from the HDD slot.
Pull the HDD unit out carefully so as not to drop it and
handle it gently so as not to give it a shock or vibration.
• When removing the HDD unit, be careful not to pinch
your fingers with the lever.
Removal knob
Step 3
Close the front cover and lock it by pushing and turn-
ing the key to the left.
Keep the key in a safe place.
When removing the extension unit, it is necessary to perform the removal process in advance. When replacing the extension unit,
it is necessary to perform the removal process/the link process.
• Consult the dealer for the removal process/removal and the link process/installation of the extension unit.
• Once the installation process is completed, the data in the HDD unit of the extension unit is deleted.
HDD unit
Remove the HDD units from recorder
Remove the extension unit from recorder