The previous projector system in the lecture room was replaced by these
plasma displays. By solving problems such as the instructor's shadow covering
the screen thereby making it difficult to see the images projected, and not being
able to see images clearly unless shown in a dark room, these new displays
offer excellent clarity and flexibility, even in brightly lit rooms.
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Ten plasma displays for use as digital signage were installed at a subway
transfer station, which is used by over 500,000 people a day. Compared to
conventional illuminated signboards, these displays give advertising a much
greater visual effect due to their greater ability to display fast-moving images.
This allows the digital signage to attract more attention and therefore better
communicate the advertising content .
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Plasma displays with superb color reproduction, uniform coloring, and high-
speed image response were installed in their operating rooms. The 50-inch
displays are currently being used as observation monitors for medical students
to view important surgical procedures.
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This hospital recently changed its system of calling patients for examinations by
their individual names. Instead, the hospital now uses patient numbers and an
audio system aided by video animation that's shown on a plasma display. This
better protects the privacy of the patients, and the high contrast and wide
viewing angle makes the displayed images clearly visible from any location
within the waiting room.
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With Panasonic, Cinpolis Ñ the largest movie theater company in
Latin America Ñ found a business partner capable of delivering
solutions tailored to their specific needs. In addition to the endurance
and robustness of all Panasonic plasma displays, these plasma panels
also offer quality images and a wide variety of functions for ease of
operation. During their five-year partnership Cinpolis and Panasonic
has installed more than 3,000 plasma displays at Cinpolis' theaters,
averaging 15 screens at each complex.
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MEDIAPRO's newly built Production Center in Barcelona
is the proud owner of the world's largest plasma display
video wall. Nine Panasonic 103-inch full-HD displays have
been installed in a 3 x 3 matrix in the reception area of
their new offices. Visitors are captivated by dynamic
moving images promoting the company's activities. The
video wall can be seen from the street, and instantly draws
attention to MEDIAPRO's new arrival in the area. It also
emphasizes their dominance in Spain's media industry.
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Panasonic plasma displays reproduce colors across the
entire HDTV-standard range, so colors are faithful and
natural-looking. Superior motion-image resolution
reproduces fast-action images with stunning clarity. The
slim design allows considerable installation flexibility for
creating a neat, attractive studio design.