Note on AC mains lead
(For the AC mains plug o f three pins)
Before use
Remove the connector cover.
H o w to replace the fuse
The location of the fuse differ according to the type of AC
mains plug (figures A and B). Confirm the AC mains plug
fitted and follow the instructions below.
Illustrations may differ from actual AC mains plug.
1. Open the fuse cover with a screwdriver.
About Bluetooth
For Australia and New Zealand
D isposal o f O ld E quipm ent and B atteries
Only fo r European Union and c o u n trie s
w ith recycling system s
This symbol is only valid in the European
If you wish to discard this product, please
contact your local authorities or dealer and
ask for the correct method of disposal.
Panasonic bears no responsibility for data and/or
information that can possibly be compromised during a
wireless transmission.
Frequency band
• This system uses the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
C e rtifica tio n
• This system conforms to the frequency restrictions and
has received certification based on frequency laws.
Thus, a wireless permit is not necessary.
• The actions below are punishable by law:
- Taking apart or modifying the main unit.
- Removing specification indications.
R e s tric tio n s o f use
• Wireless transmission and/or usage with all Bluetooth®
equipped devices is not guaranteed.
• All devices must conform to standards set by
Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
• Depending on the specifications and settings of a
device, it can fail to connect or some operations can be
• This system supports Bluetooth® security features. But
depending on the operating environment and/or
settings, this security is possibly not sufficient.
Transmit data wirelessly to this system with caution.
• This system cannot transmit data to a Bluetooth®
R ange o f use
• Use this device at a maximum range of 10 m.
• The range can decrease depending on the
environment, obstacles or interference.
In terfe rence fro m oth er devices
• This system may not function properly and troubles
such as noise and sound jumps may arise due to radio
wave interference if this unit is located too close to
other Bluetooth® devices or the devices that use the
GHz band.
• This system may not function properly if radio waves
from a nearby broadcasting station, etc. is too strong.
Intended usage
• This system is for normal, general use only.
• Do not use this system near an equipment or in an
environment that is sensitive to radio frequency
interference (example: airports, hospitals, laboratories,
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered
trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use
of such marks by Panasonic Corporation is under
license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of
their respective owners.
Google Play and Android are trademarks of Google Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from
Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.