MAC Address Table Display and Registra
tion Configuration
Configuration of the forwarding database (FDB: a list where MAC addresses
required for FDB packet translation are memorized/recorded is done in "Global
Configuration Mode." The content of FDB is displayed in "Privileged Mode." In addi
tion, static MAC addresses can be added or deleted.
Aging time configuration command
FDB entry (static) configuration command
FDB entry (static) delete command
MAC Learning enable command
MAC Learning disable command
FDB (static) display command
FDB (by MAC) display command
FDB (by interface) display command
FDB (by VLAN) display command
FDB (multicast) display command
MAC address automatic learning display command
Aging time display command
Global configuration mode
mac-address-table aging-time <seconds>
Global configuration mode
mac-address-table static <MAC address> <interface> vlan
Global configuration mode
no mac-address-table static <MAC address> vlan <vlan-id>
configuration mode
configuration mode
no mac-learning
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table static
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table mac
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table interface <interface>
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table vlan <vlan-id>
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table multicast
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table mac-learning
Privileged mode
show mac-address-table aging-time