Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH
Panasonic Air Conditioning
Hagenauer Strasse 43, 65203 Wiesbaden, Germany
To find out how Panasonic cares for you,
log on to: www.aircon.panasonic.eu
Do not add or replace refrigerant other than the specified type. Manufacturer is not responsible for the
damage and deterioration in safety due to usage of the other refrigerant.
The outdoor units in this catalogue contains fluorinated greenhouse gases with a GWP higher than 150.
Due to the ongoing inno
vation of our pr
oducts, the specif
ications of this catalogue ar
e v
alid barring typogr
aphic err
s, and ma
y be subject to minor modif
ications b
y the manufactur
er without
prior w
arning in or
der to impr
e the pr
oduct. The total or partial r
oduction of this catalogue is pr
ohibited without the e
ess authorisation of P
anasonic Mark
eting Eur
ope GmbH.