Braised and stewed meat cooked in a
microwave has a slightly firm texture and
therefore it is essential to purchase good
quality meats.
When cooking a casserole, place a saucer or
small upturned plate over the meat to keep it
submerged in the juices.
Crispy bacon
- place on a microwave safe
rack (optional extra obtainable from cookware
shops). Cover with a plain piece of kitchen
towel to minimise splatter. Cook on
power for approx. 45 secs. per rasher, or until
desired crispness is achieved.
How to roast a joint by microwave
To roast basic joints of meat place the joint
onto the rack of a microwave roasting set and
cover with a dome lid. Alterna tive ly use a
large, shallow dish and place the joint on an
up turned saucer and cover with cling film.
Roasting bags
Roasting bags are useful when split up one
side to tent a joint for roasting by power and
Do not
use the metal twists supplied.
How to cook small cuts of meat by
Some cuts of meat can be cooked
successfully by micro wave although due to
their short cooking times and no heat source,
they will not crisp and brown.
They should always be cooked on a
microwave rack to lift them out of their juices.
Meat and poultry
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