5. Remove from PCB the two lead wires provided with qulick-
connect terminal. (Fig.14)
*The fuse is replaceable at the same time.
6. Open the cover, remove the small PCB (with ON / OFF
Switch) from its lodging and take out control Axis. (Fig.15)
ON/OFF Switch
Power control circuit is welded to ON/OFF Switch that is
connected to P.C.B.Assy.
You can cut off with weld it.
7. Replace P.C.B. Ass’y with a new one and control Axis.
8. Connect the two lead wires (provided with quick-connect
terminal) to the PCB tabs and reinstall power control circuit
in its support. (Fig.17)
Note: Before reinstalling the circuit, make sure the lead
wires are correctly positioned in the cover slots.
9. Place back the motor unit. Connect the lead wires
according to the schematic diagram and reassemble upper
body and remaining parts in the reverse order.
MC-E8031 / MC-E8031K / MC-E8033 / MC-E8033K