7. Functions Customized for Various Subjects and Purposes
Taking Pictures with the Face Recognition
([Face Recog.])
Applicable modes:
Face Recognition is a function which finds a face resembling a registered face and
priorities focus and exposure automatically. Even if the person is located towards the back
or on the end of a line in a group photo, the camera can still take a clear picture.
Select the menu.
Settings: [ON]/[OFF]/[MEMORY]
[Face Recog.] will turn [ON] automatically when the face image is registered.
The following functions will also work with the Face
Recognition function.
In Recording Mode
Display of corresponding name when camera detects a
registered face
(if name has been set for the registered face)
In Playback Mode
Display of name and age (if information has been registered)
Selective playback of pictures chosen from pictures registered with Face Recognition
([Category Play]
Names of up to 3 people are displayed.
Precedence for the names displayed when taking pictures is determined according to the
order of registration.
[Face Recog.]