External Message Delivery Redial
Allows the System Administrator to instruct the VPS when making external message
deliveries how many attempts to make when the line is busy or when there is no
Fast Forward
Puts the user 4 s ahead in the current message.
Follow-On ID
See Called Party ID.
General Delivery Mailbox
When the caller does not dial anything (either because she does not want to or she is
using a rotary telephone), the VPS sends her to the General Delivery Mailbox.
Periodically (daily is best), the Message Manager should transfer the contents of the
General Delivery Mailbox to the appropriate destinations.
Hash Sign
Same as Pound Sign.
One of the utility commands that is used to list all utility commands with a brief
description of each.
Immediate Reply
Allows the message receiver to reply to a message without specifying the extension
number or the mailbox number of the sender.
Inband Signaling
The Follow-On ID (or Called Party ID) that integrates the VPS and the PBX. Uses
intercom paths to light message wait light. Does not give "high end" features such as:
Intercom Paging, Direct Mailbox Access, Live Call Screening, etc.