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Baby Calendar
When a baby’s birthday and name are registered, scenes recorded since the baby’s birthday are
displayed as thumbnails for each age in months.
You cannot select scenes recorded as Backup for Twin Camera.
Scenes recorded before the birthday are not displayed.
Scenes with no baby in them are also displayed.
You can register up to 3 babies.
(When registering for the first time)
Enter the baby’s birthday.
Touch the date to be set, then set the desired value using
The year can be set between 2000 and 2039.
Touch [Enter].
(When registering for the first time)
Touch [YES], and enter the baby’s name.
If you touch [NO], the Baby Calendar will be displayed without the baby’s name registered.
([Baby 1] is displayed.)
Input method is same operation as for setting up the title. (
After entering the name, touch [Enter].
A maximum of 9 characters can be entered.