Section 6
Issue 1
Service Manual
– 47 –
Revision 0
6.6.1 Simple Receiver Test
The following procedure gives a method by which the Unit Under Test (UUT) can be placed into a condition allowing the service
technician to probe the entire receive RF path. Input level and frequency can also be specified.
To perform the following procedure the UUT must first be placed into Test Mode. Perform the following steps:
At the Channel box highlight the CHG CH (GSM900 or GSM1800) field and set the required test channel. Press ENTER.
Highlight the SET AGC 1,2,3 field and enter the required gain value.
At the GSM test unit input an RF signal at the required frequency and level.
The unit has now been placed in a state which will allow the received signal path to be monitored.
6.6.2 Simple Transmitter Test
The following procedure gives a method by which the Unit Under Test (UUT) can be placed into a condition allowing the service
technician to probe the entire transmit RF path. Input level and frequency can also be specified.
To perform the following procedure the UUT must first be placed into Test Mode. Perform the following steps:
At the Channel box highlight the CHG CH (GSM900 or GSM1800) field and set the required test channel.
Press ENTER.
Highlight the PL field and set the required test power level.
Press ENTER.
Highlight the TX_DATA field and select the required modulation type and data.
Press ENTER.
The UUT is now in the required state to allow probing of the transmit RF path.
6.6.3 Battery Charging & Calibration
There are three procedures to calibrating the battery, voltage, temperature and charging calibration. To perform this operation,
two regulated power supplies are needed in addition to the power supply required for the IFB003/IFB004. The DC output on
the front of the IFB003 is unsuitable for use in the battery calibration procedure because of the voltages required. In addition,
a dummy battery and an 82 ohm resistor are needed.
Voltage Calibration
Connect dummy battery to phone. Connect the dummy battery's power leads to a PSU (set to 3.7 V). This is VBAT (PSU 1
o/p). Connect the Interface Box to the telephone using the Interface Box.
Select and run Channel Box software - in Test Mode. Press [F10] and power the phone on. "TEST SET TEST MODE"
should be displayed in the phone display.
Set VBAT (PSU1 o/p) to 4.1 V ± 5 mV.
Press [F4] on the PC. Go to, and select: "VIEW ADC LINES".
Look at ADIN1 (BAT VOLT) reading. This reading is "BAT VOLT HIGH". If reading is outside the range 763 ± 40 then there
is a fault, and further investigation is required. Otherwise, record the value for later use.
Set VBAT (PSU1 o/p) to 3.0 V ± 5 mV.
Press "[Y]" [enter] on the PC to re-read ADC Data.
Look at ADIN1 (BAT VOLT) reading again. This reading is "BAT VOLT LOW". If the reading is outside the range 558 ± 40
then there is a fault, and further investigation is required. Otherwise, record the value for later use.
Press [N] (in repeat yes/no box), then [Enter].
Press [F6]. Go to, and select: "TRIM Other". Go to, and select: "BAT VOLT HIGH". Enter value from step 5 above.
Press [F6]. Go to, and select: "TRIM Other" again. Go to, and select: "BAT VOLT LOW". Enter value from step 8 above.
Set PSU1 o/p to 3.7 volts.
Temperature Calibration
There is a 10 k
resistor in the test battery, between BAT_TEMP and Ground. Ensure that it is 10 k
± 1% before
proceeding. Ensure that PSU1 o/p is set to 3.7 V.
If the ADC data are not already being displayed, press [F4], "VIEW ADC LINES", [enter].
Look at the value for ADIN3 (BAT TEMP). If the value is outside the range 410 ±40, then there is a fault, and further
investigation is required. Otherwise, calculate the difference between the reading and the theoretical value of 365. Record
this value for use below.
Press [N] (in repeat yes/no box), then [enter].