What to do if...
s cold moist air getting into the room
Avoid opening and closing the doors/ indo s very often
s it an item which is difficult to dry and need to be s uee ed
dry by hands
Are you using a heater near the unit
If the temperature near the sensor is high it ill not be able to
accurately udge the drying time
Does the air flows through all of the clothes
Also are the clothes packed close together or piled up
For clothes that are difficult to get dry try running the dryer in
Auto stop
mode or
i ont
Depending on the amount and type of clothes they could be difficult to
get dry
Lo e
Lo e
Pin on the nit
Takes long time to
dry clothes in
Auto stop
Does not dry
clothes completely
even after Auto stop
mode is finished
Try using ormal or o Silent mode under Dehumid.
page 13
Drying time is longer than Dry lothes
Operate with loud
The unit has been
knocked over
The louver
flap is detached
Operation stops automatically and Alert indicator lights up.
1 Disconnect the po er plug and set the unit back upright Wipe a ay
any spilled ater
2 Let the unit stand for half a day or more ithout using it To dry the unit
completely in case any ater has spilled inside
3 Insert the po er plug again and restart the unit
Install the louver by
attaching the pin into the
slot as sho n in
A .
nstall the flap by
attaching 2 pins to the
e uivalent holes on the
How to use