Panasonic ES-LV50 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1



Operating Instructions




AC/Rechargeable Shaver


Model No.





English 10


Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use.


Содержание ES-LV50

Страница 1: ...structions ᆊ ࡼࠗ乏ߔ Household AC Rechargeable Shaver ൟো Model No ES LV50 Ё 2 English 10 Փ ᴀѻકࠡˈ䇋Ҩ㒚䯙䇏ᴀ䇈ᯢкᑊཹ ֱㅵˈҹ ᇚᴹখ㗗DŽ Before operating this unit please read these instructions completely and save them for future use 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 2: ...ࠗ乏ߔDŽ 䖭ḋৃ㛑䗴៤ᛳᶧ DŽ ᴀѻકϡᅰկ㙶ԧǃᛳᅬ Ϟ 㗙ǃ 㔎У㒣偠 ⶹ䆚㗙 ࣙᣀ ܓ ス Փ ˈ ᖙ乏 ⲥᡸ㗙ҢᮕⲥⴷᑊᇍᴀѻકⱘՓ ࡴҹᣛᇐˈϨᇍՓ 㗙ⱘᅝܼ㛑ᡓᢙ䋷ӏDŽ 䇋䙓 ܓܡ スᇚᴀѻક㾚Ў ˈ Ң㗠ᓩথ ॅ䰽DŽ ܙ ߛ ᅸ ᠓Փ 䗖䜡 DŽ 䇋ϡ㽕Փ 䰸 5 䗖䜡 ҹ ⱘӏ ԩ 㒓 䗖䜡 䖯㸠 ܙ DŽ ᇚ 䗖䜡 ᦦܹᑆ ⱘᆊ ᦦᑻ ݙ 䖯㸠 ˈ ܙ ᯊঠ ᑨֱᣕᑆ DŽ Ңᆊ ᦦᑻϞᢨߎ 䗖䜡 ᯊˈϡ 㽕 ᢝ 㒓ˈ Ўৃ㛑Ӯᤳണ 㒓ˈ ᑨᡧ 䗖䜡 ⱘᦦ 䚼ԡDŽ 㒓ϡ㛑 ᤶˈབᵰ 㒓ᤳണˈℸ 䗖䜡 ᑨᑳᓗDŽ ࠗ乏ߔ 䄺ਞ ࠗ乏ߔࠡˈ䇋ᇚࠗ乏ߔϢ 㒓 ߚ ˈҹ䰆㾺 DŽ 䇋 㺙 ϸϾ ߔݙ ⱘ ᗕϟ䖯㸠 ˈ 㢹 ҙ㺙 ϔϾ ߔݙ ⱘ ᗕϟ䖯㸠 ˈ ৃ㛑Ӯᤳണࠗ乏ߔDŽ ৃ ࠗ乏ߔˈϡ㽕Փ Ⲥ DŽϡ㽕ᇚࠗ乏ߔ䭓ᯊ䯈 ЁDŽ ҙ䰤Փ 㰌 㞾ᴹ 㙹ⱖ ⱘ䕃Ꮧ DŽϡ㽕Փ 䞞ࠖǃ ǃ䜦 Ҫ ᄺ...

Страница 3: ...㒓 ᇚ 㒓㓴㒩 ࠗ乏ߔ ϞDŽ 䇋ཹ ໘ ᴀѻકⱘࣙ㺙㹟ˈ䙓 ܡ ၈ᑐ ܓ てᙃㄝᛣ থ DŽ䇋㕂Ѣ ܓ ス㾺ᩌϡࠄⱘ ഄᮍDŽ䇋 䅽၈ᑐ ܓ 㾺 DŽ 䚼ߚৡ ֱᡸⲪ ߔ䚼 ߗᶊ ߔ㔥 ߔ㔥䞞ᬒᣝ䪂 ߔݙ ᴎ䑿 ߗᶊ䞞ᬒᣝ䪂 䞣ᣛ ܙ ᗕᣛ ᦦ ܙ ᄨ 䫕 ᓔ ᣛᦵԡ㕂 ׂ ߔ ׂ ߔ 㒉ᴚ 䗖䜡 5 㒓 㒓ᦦ ᮙ㸠ᨎᏺᇣࣙ ࠋ Փ 䫕 Փ 䫕 Ϟ䫕 ਃࡼ ᓔ DŽ ᮟ䕀䫕 Ⳉ㟇থߎ੨ ⱘડໄࠄԡDŽ 䫕 ᢼࠄĀ āԡ㕂ˈৃҹਃࡼ ᓔ Ѣࠗ乏ǃ ࠗ乏ߔǃ ࠗ乏 ߔᯊ 䫕 ᢼࠄĀ āԡ㕂ˈৃҹ䫕ԣ ᓔ Ѣ䱣䑿ᨎᏺࠗ乏ߔᯊ 5 8 A KPFD ᣛᦵԡ㕂 ...

Страница 4: ...ߔ DŽ 㑺 ᇣᯊˈेৃᅠ៤ ܙ DŽ Ѹ ࠗ乏 ᔧ 䞣Ԣᯊˈᙼৃᇚࠗ乏ߔ䗮䖛 䗖 䜡 䖲 㟇ᆊ ᦦᑻˈ Ѹ 䖯㸠 ࠗ乏DŽ བᵰࠗ乏ߔϡ㛑ℷᐌՓ ˈ䇋 ܙ 㑺 ߚ䩳 ݡ Փ DŽ ܙ ᯊ䯙䇏ᣛ ܙ ᯊ ܙ ᅠ៤ৢ ܙ ᗕᣛ থ DŽ ܙ 䖛 Ёˈ 䞣ᣛ ⱘ ᄫ䗤 䗦 DŽ ᠔ ᣛ ഛӮ ˈ ৢ ৢ DŽ ⱘ ܙ 㤤 ๗ ᑺЎ 㟇 ᨘ ᑺDŽ ᑺ䖛Ԣ 䖛催ⱘᴵӊϟˈ ৃ㛑᮴ ℷᐌ ܙ ḍᴀ᮴ ܙ DŽ ܙ ᬙ䱰ᯊ ܙ ᗕᣛ ᇚӮ䮾 DŽ 䌁фৢ Փ ञᑈҹϞ Փ 䖛ˈ ܙ ᗕᣛ ৃ㛑ϡӮゟे ˈ㒻㓁 ܙ ߚ䩳ৢेℷᐌDŽ 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 5: ... ℶ䖤㸠DŽ 䕏䕏ഄय़ 䴶䚼ᓔྟࠗ乏DŽ ϔা 㓋 㜌ϞⲂ㙸ˈ䗚ⴔ㚵乏 䭓ᮍ ࠡৢ ࡼࠗ乏 ߔDŽᔧⲂ㙸䗖ᑨࠗ乏ߔПৢᙼৃҹ ࡴ य़ ˈԚᮑࡴय़ 䖛 ህৃ㛑Ӯ䗴៤Ⲃ㙸Ӹ ᆇDŽ ᛣ བᵰᣝϟ ᓔ 䩳ҹϞˈ Ӯਃࡼໄ ޔ ᓣDŽ 义 ℸ ᓣϟϡৃࠗ乏DŽ Փ ࠗ乏ߔᯊϡ㽕ᇚ ᣛᬒ ᓔ ϞDŽ 䖭ḋӮᇐ㟈ࠗ乏ߔ 䯁 䖯ܹໄ ޔ ᓣDŽՓ ࠗ乏ߔᯊᇚ ᣛᬒ ᣛᦵԡ㕂ϞDŽ Փ ׂ ߔ ᙼৃҹᬍবᵶ䕈ⱘࡼ DŽՓ ׂ ߔᯊᇚ 㒉ᴚ Ϟ ࡼ㟇Ā ā DŽ 5 ৃҹ ࡼࠗ乏ߔ DŽ 2 ৃҹ䫕ᅮࠗ乏ߔ DŽ ᇚׂ ߔ 㒉ᴚᕔϞ ˈҹᠧ ᓔׂ ߔDŽᇚׂ ߔᬒ㕂ϢⲂ 㙸៤Ⳉ㾦 ᑺ ⱘԡ㕂ˈ ৢҢϞ ϟ ࡼ䖯㸠ׂ DŽ 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 6: ...䮾 DŽ 䞣ᰒ Ā āৢᙼ䖬ৃҹՓ ࠗ乏ߔ ࠄ DŽ ḍ ᯊ䯈䭓ⷁⱘϡৠՓ гӮ ᠔ϡৠDŽ ܙ 䎇 ৢ 㑺ৃᦤկ ࠗ乏᠔䳔ⱘ 䞣 ϔ ࠗ乏㑺Ў ߚ䩳 DŽ ḍ Փ ᚙ މ 㗠 ᅮDŽ ࠗ乏ߔ ᇚࠗ乏ߔϞⱘ 䗖䜡 㒓ᦦ ᢨߎDŽ ߔ㔥Ϟ ᢍᇥ䞣 DŽ ᮟ䕀䫕 ˈਃࡼ ᓔ DŽ ᣝϟ ᓔ 䩳ҹϞҹ ਃࡼໄ ޔ ᓣDŽ 䞣ᣛ ձ 䮾 DŽ 㑺 䩳ৢˈ 㞾ࡼ 䯁ˈ 㗙ᣝ ᓔ 䯁 DŽ পϟ ߔ䚼ˈᣝϟ ᓔ 䩳ҹϞˈਃࡼໄ ޔ ᓣDŽՓ ࡼ 䖯㸠 DŽ ᑆᏗᣁএ DŽ ᇚ ߔ䚼 ࠗ乏ߔᅠܼ ᑆDŽ ᇚ ߔ䚼ᅝ㺙㟇ࠗ乏ߔϞDŽ 㒭ࠗ乏ߔϞ DŽ 4 5 7 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 7: ... DŽ 䄺ਞ ࠗ乏ߔࠡˈ䇋ᇚࠗ乏ߔϢ 㒓ߚ ˈҹ䰆㾺 DŽ Ў䭓ᳳֱᣕࠗ乏ⱘ㟦䗖ᑺˈᓎ䆂Փ 䰘䌴ⱘ DŽ 䯁ࠗ乏ߔ DŽ 㒭 Ͼ ߔ㔥ⓈϔⓈ DŽ 䍋ׂ ߔᑊⓈϔⓈ DŽ ਃࡼࠗ乏ߔ ˈ䖤䕀㑺 䩳DŽ 䯁ࠗ乏ߔ ˈՓ 䕃Ꮧᇚ ߔ㔥Ϟ ԭⱘ ᣁএDŽ Փ ࠋ Փ ⷁࠋˈ ে ᠔ ⱘ ࡼᮍ ࡼˈ ߔݙ DŽ Փ 䭓ࠋˈ ߔ㔥ǃ ࠗ乏ߔᴎ䑿 ׂ ߔDŽ 䇋 ᮍ ࡼⷁ ࠋˈ Ў䖭ḋᇚᤳണ ݙ ߔ 㗠ᕅડߔ ⱘ䫟 ᑺDŽ 䇋 Փ ⷁࠋ ߔ 㔥DŽ A B 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 8: ...ⱘ ফӸDŽ ᅝ㺙 ߔݙ ᯊˈϔ ᦦܹϔϾ ߔݙ ˈⳈ㟇 ᅮԡ㕂ЎℶDŽ 1 2 3 ᤶ䚼ӊ ᤶ䚼ӊ 㒣䫔ଚ 3DQDVRQLF 䅸ᅮ㓈ׂᑫ ଂDŽ 6 9 ⱘ ᤶ 䚼ӊ ߔ㔥 6 ߔݙ 6 ᤶ ߔ㔥 ߔݙ ߔ㔥 ᑈϔ ߔݙ ϸᑈϔ ᤶ ߔ㔥 ᣝϟ ߗᶊ䞞ᬒᣝ䪂ᑊ Ϟᦤ 䍋পߎ ߔ䚼DŽ ᣝϟ ߔ㔥䞞ᬒᣝ䪂ˈᢝߎ ߔ㔥DŽ ᇍ唤 ߗᶊ 䆚 ߔ㔥 䆚 ৢ〇 ഄ ᅝ㺙 ϔ䍋DŽ ߔ㔥ϡ㛑ড ᅝ㺙DŽ ᅝ㺙ࠄࠗ乏ߔᯊˈ䇋 ֱ ߔ㔥ᦦܹࠄ ߗᶊ ݙ DŽ ᇚ ߗᶊ 䆚䕀ࠄ ࠡ䴶ҹৢˈᡞ ߔ䚼〇 ഄᅝ 㺙ࠄࠗ乏ߔⳈ㟇 ࠄԡDŽ 1 2 3 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 9: ...ᅮ㓈ׂᑫⱘᛣ㾕ˈሑ䞣ᓊ 䭓ᴀѻકⱘՓ ᇓੑDŽ ᔧ 䌍㗙 އ ᅮᑳᓗᴀѻકজϡᛇ㞾㸠ߚ㾷ᴀѻ કপߎ ᯊˈ哧ࢅ 䌍㗙ᇚᴀѻક䗕ᕔ 3DQDVRQLF 䅸ᅮ㓈ׂᑫˈ 㓈ׂᑫᇍ 䖯㸠 ߚ㾷 ಲᬊDŽ䇋㘨 ᥜᴗ ࡵЁᖗDŽ ߚ㾷ᴀѻકˈপߎ ࠡˈϔᅮ㽕 䯁 DŽ ᣝϟ ᠔ ⱘ ⱘ乎ᑣᢚᓔᴀѻકˈ ौϟ DŽ ๗ֱᡸϢ䌘 ಲᬊ ℸࠗ乏ߔՓ 䫖 DŽ བᵰᙼⱘ ᆊ Ⳍ 㾘ᅮˈ䇋ࡵᖙ ᣛᅮ໘ ᇍᮻ 䖯㸠㒳ϔ໘ DŽ 㾘Ḑ ѻકৡ ࡼࠗ乏ߔ ѻકൟো 6 9 䗖䜡 乱ᅮ䕧 ܹ 9 P 䗖䜡 乱ᅮ䕧 ߎ 9 偀䖒 य़ 9 ܙ ᯊ䯈 㑺 ᇣᯊ ॳѻഄ ᴀᴎ ᮹ᴀ 䗖䜡 Ё ѻ᮹ᳳ 䇋㾕ଚકϞࠏॄ ᠻ㸠 ޚ 䰘ᔩ ᴀѻકҙ䗖ড়ᆊᒁՓ DŽ 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 10: ...on concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance Charging the shaver Never use the AC adaptor in the bathroom or shower room Do not use any power cord or AC adaptor other than the AC adaptor RE7 59 Plug in the AC adaptor into a household outlet where there is no moisture and handle it with d...

Страница 11: ...ts identification Protective cap Outer foil section Foil frame System outer foil System outer foil release buttons Inner blades Main body Foil frame release buttons Battery capacity lamp Charge status lamp Appliance socket Lock ring Power switch 0 1 Finger rest Trimmer Trimmer handle AC adaptor RE7 59 Power cord Appliance plug Travel case Cleaning brush Oil Using the lock ring Use the lock ring to ...

Страница 12: ...inute Reading lamps when charging While charging After charging is completed The charge status lamp glows The number of the battery capacity lamp will increase as charging progresses All the lamps will light up and then turn off after 5 seconds Recommended ambient temperature for charging is 5 35 C The battery may not charge properly or at all under extreme low or high temperatures The charge stat...

Страница 13: ...becomes accustomed to this shaver Applying excessive pressure does not provide a closer shave Caution If you press the power switch for more than 2 seconds the sonic vibration cleaning mode is activated Page 14 You cannot shave in this mode Do not place your fingers on the power switch while using the shaver This may cause the shaver to turn off or enter the sonic vibration cleaning mode Place your...

Страница 14: ...the power cord from the shaver 2 Apply some hand soap and some water to the outer foil 3 Rotate the lock ring to unlock the power switch 4 Press the power switch for more than 2 seconds to activate the sonic vibration cleaning mode The battery capacity lamps blink in order After about 20 seconds it will be automatically turned off or you can turn it off by pressing the power switch 5 Remove the ou...

Страница 15: ...f the outer foils 3 Raise the trimmer and apply a drop of oil 4 Switch the shaver on and run it for approximately five seconds 5 Switch off the shaver and wipe off any excess oil from the outer foils with a soft cloth Cleaning with the brush Clean the inner blades using the short brush by moving it in direction A Clean the system outer foil the shaver body and the trimmer using the long brush Do no...

Страница 16: ...eplacing the system outer foil and the inner blades system outer foil once every year inner blades once every two years Replacing the system outer foil 1 Press the foil frame release buttons and lift the outer foil section upwards 2 Press the system outer foil release buttons and pull down the system outer foil 3 Align the foil frame mark and the system outer foil mark and securely attach together...

Страница 17: ...ry Perform steps to and lift the battery and then remove it For environmental protection and recycling of materials This shaver contains a Lithium ion battery Please make sure that the battery is disposed of at an officially assigned location if there is one in your country Specifications Product name AC Rechargeable Shaver Product model ES LV50 Rated input 100 240V 50 60Hz 180mA Rated output 5 4V 1...

Страница 18: ...18 MEMO 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 19: ...19 MEMO 5 8 A KPFD ...

Страница 20: ...nted in Japan ES9700LV501K Y0511 0 থ㸠 ᑈ 䖯ষଚ ᵒϟ Ꮉ Ё 䰤 ৌ ഄഔ ҀᏖᳱ䰇ऎᓎ 䏃 ো ढ䌌Ёᖗ ো ݭ ᄫὐ ሖǃ ሖ ᅸ 䆱 䚂ᬓ㓪ⷕ ࠊ䗴ଚ ᵒϟ Ꮉ ᓣӮ ഄഔ ᮹ᴀ 䯾ᑰ䮼ⳳᏖ ᄫ䮼ⳳ ഄ Panasonic Electric Works Co Ltd 1048 Oaza Kadoma Kadoma shi Osaka 571 8686 Japan 5 8 A KPFD ...
