background image



Issue 1

Service Manual

Revision 0




1 1

urpose o this Manual


1 2

Structure o the Manual


1 3

Servicing Responsibilities




2 1



2 2

an portable Main Kit


2 3

an s ree Car Mount Kit


2 4

Easy it Car Kit


2 5

Si ple Car Kit


2 6

C A aptor


2 7

ol er Kit


2 8

ual Charger an Carry Case


2 9

attery acks


2 10

C Car


2 11

ocu entation




3 1



3 2

LC isplay


3 3

Location o Controls


3 4

Concept o peration


3 5

Alpha Entry


3 6

eatures Menu Structure


3 7

ublic Man Machine Inter ace MMI


3 8



3 9

Error Messages


3 10

Security Co es


3 11

GSM Services Supporte by C Car


3 12

GSM et ork Co es an a es


3 13

Glossary o Ter s




4 1



4 2

an s ree Car Mount Kit


4 3

C A aptor


4 4

Si ple Car Kit




5 1



5 2

an portable Unit


5 3

ual Charger


5 4

an s ree Unit


Содержание EB-G450

Страница 1: ...70901C8 Service Manual G450 ersonal Cellular Telephone an hel ortable EB G450 Car Mount Kit EB HF501Z Easy it Car Mount Kit EB HF450Z Si ple Car Kit EB KD500 C A aptor EB CD400A ual Charger EB CR500 Issue 1 Revision 0 ...

Страница 2: ... or inaccuracies hich ay occur an reserves the right to ake changes to speci ication or esign ithout prior notice The in or ation containe in this anual an all rights in any esigns isclose therein are an re ain the e clusive property o Matsushita Co unication In ustrial UK Lt ther patents applying to aterial containe in this publication ULL C 8 ATE TS Co ents or correspon ence concerning this anua...

Страница 3: ...2 11 ocu entation 2 7 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3 1 General 3 1 3 2 LC isplay 3 1 3 3 Location o Controls 3 2 3 4 Concept o peration 3 3 3 5 Alpha Entry 3 3 3 6 eatures Menu Structure 3 4 3 7 ublic Man Machine Inter ace MMI 3 4 3 8 Troubleshooting 3 8 3 9 Error Messages 3 9 3 10 Security Co es 3 9 3 11 GSM Services Supporte by C Car 3 10 3 12 GSM et ork Co es an a es 3 11 3 13 Glossary o Ter s 3 14...

Страница 4: ...lete Unit Test Setup 7 3 7 4 Channel o Test Co an s 7 7 7 5 A ust ent Mo e 7 9 7 6 Lock Co e 7 19 7 7 SIM ersonalisation 7 20 8 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 8 1 an hel Unit 8 1 8 2 an s ree Unit 8 9 9 PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS 9 1 an hel Unit 9 1 9 2 an s ree Unit 9 3 10 PARTS LIST 10 1 an hel Unit 10 1 10 2 an s ree Unit 10 2 10 3 an hel Replace ent arts List 10 3 10 4 an s ree Replace ent arts List 10 13 10 5 rin...

Страница 5: ...ns A orking area here ES s ay be sa ely han le ithout un ue risk o a age ro electrostatic ischarge ust be available The area ust be e uippe as ollo s Working Surfaces All orking sur aces ust have a issipative bench at SA E or use ith live e uip ent connecte via a 1M2 resistor usually built into the lea to a co on groun point Wrist Strap A uick release skin contact evice ith a le ible cor hich has ...

Страница 6: ...This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 vi MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 Service Manual ...

Страница 7: ... in or ation provi es co plete instructions or the testing isasse bly repair an reasse bly o each a or co ponent part Step by step troubleshooting in or ation is given to enable the isolation an i enti ication o a al unction an thus eter ine hat corrective action shoul be taken The test in or ation enables veri ication o the integrity o the e uip ent a ter any re e ial action has been carrie out 4...

Страница 8: ...This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 1 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 1 2 Service Manual INTRODUCTION ...

Страница 9: via CMCIA Inter ace car 2 2 Handportable Main Kit The han portable ain kit provi es a stan alone class 4 GSM telephone The plug in SIM contains the subscriber an net ork in or ation necessary to operate the phone on a GSM net ork Figure 1 an portable Main Unit Kit 450 0201 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 Main unit E G450 2 attery E S450 3 A aptor E CA400 UK EU SA T perating inst...

Страница 10: oving it ro the ol er This ill use the e ternal antenna an po er ro the an s ree Unit The han s ree unit also provi es e ternal po er or the han hel internal charger Figure 2 an s ree Car Mount Kit 450 0202 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 an s ree unit E 400 2 ol er G500 E KA500 3 an s ree icrophone E M1177 4 A ustable angle bracket E 0001 5 A ustable angle bracket E 0002 6 o er...

Страница 11: ...l Speech is via a icrophone ounte on the ashboar or the sun visor ue to the length o cable ro the an s ree Unit to the telephone the telephone can only be use in han s ree o e The an s ree Unit also provi es e ternal po er or the han hel internal charger Figure 3 Easy it Car Mount Kit 450 0203 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 an s ree unit E 501 2 ol er G500 E KA500 3 an s ree icrop...

Страница 12: ...nector is an ME type Figure 4 Si ple Car Kit 450 0204 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 Si ple Car Kit E K 500 2 6 DC Adaptor The C A aptor kit enables the han portable unit to be po ere ro a vehicle battery provi e that the vehicle has a cigar lighter socket ne en o the C a aptor plugs into the han portable ith the telephone battery connecte The other en o the a aptor is pushe into ...

Страница 13: ...IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 ol er E KA500 2 A ustable Angle racket E 0002 2 8 Dual Charger and Carry Case The ual charger has t o charging slots enabling the telephone battery to be charge in ivi ually or as a part o the hole telephone asse bly Figure 7 ual Charger an Carry Case 500 0205 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 ual charger E CR500 2 Carry case E K400 MCU...

Страница 14: ... NUMBER 1 attery ack S E S500 2 attery ack M E M500 3 attery ack L E 500 4 attery ack S2 E S450 2 10 PC Card The C Car inter ace is use ith the han portable an a laptop personal co puter to provi e a C a an o e acility Figure 9 C Car 500 0207 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 1 C Car E A500 2 an s ree unit connection 3 Telephone connection Issue 1 Section 2 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 2 6 ...

Страница 15: ... e ish 71797A Turkish 71798A Quick Start Arabic 71803A ulgarian 71804A C ech 71806A anish 71807A utch 71808A English 71809A innish 71810A rench 71811A Ger an 71812A Greek 71813A ungarian 71814A Italian 71815A or egian 71816A olish 71817A ortuguese 71818A Ro ananian 71819A Russian 71820A Slovak 71821A Spanish 71822A S e ish 71823A Turkish 71824A European Warranty ooklet 71556C Car 71557C Optional A...

Страница 16: ...This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 2 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 2 8 Service Manual GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...

Страница 17: ...e an using the Key guar eature M honebook is in use N using the Messages eature or you have unrea Short Te t Messages SMS O using the Calls Service eature P using the Call ivert eature or the telephone has Call ivert set Y Call ivert pro ile 1 is set Z Call ivert pro ile 2 is set L using the Security eature or the telphone is locke S using the et orks eature T using the ersonalise eature U sho s t...

Страница 18: ...ough the honebook or stores a nu ber in the honebook Changes the type o characters entere uring Alpha Entry D Sen Key Makes a call C Clear Key Clears the last igit entere clears all igits hen presse an hel or returns to the previous isplay E En Key En s a call or s itches the telephone on o hen presse an hel igit keys 0 to 9 an here appropriate the 0 key ill enter the international access co e il ...

Страница 19: ... S p r s Π Ρ Σ R S p r s 7 8 T U t u v Τ Υ Φ T U t u v 8 9 y Ξ Ψ Ω y 9 C eletes the character above the cursor eletes the character to the le t hen at the en o the line or clears the entire entry hen presse an hel Each ti e a key is presse it ill isplay the ne t character hen another key is presse or no key is presse or a short ti e the cursor ill ove to the ne t position To cycle bet een Greek ch...

Страница 20: ...Manual OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Keyguard Phonebook Messages Calls Service Call Divert Security Personalise Networks Browse Create Review My numbers Last call All calls Call waiting Display caller s ID Withhold my ID Call charge Received list Sent list Create Review Parameters Broadcasts Auto delete Life time Message centre Report Protocol Receive Message list Topics Languages Price unit Call limit R...

Страница 21: ... 4 Call Hold Place a call on hold 2 S Recall a held call 2 S Make a second call TELE E UM ER S Swap between two held calls 2 S End held call S End active call 1 S Reject incoming call 0 S 3 7 5 Call Waiting Enable Call Waiting 4 3 S Disable Call Waiting 4 3 S Call Waiting Status 4 3 S MCUK970901C8 Section 3 Issue 1 Service Manual 3 5 Revision 0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 22: ...y i enti icatio n 3 1 TELE E UM ER S 3 7 7 Call Divert Call Divert Type Service Code ivert all calls 21 ivert calls i busy 67 ivert calls i no reply 61 ivert i not reachable 62 Set e cept o Reply Call ar SER ICE C E R AR TELE E UM ER TELEC MMU ICATI SER ICE S Set o Reply Call ar SER ICE C E R AR TELE E UM ER TELEC MMU ICATI SER ICE TIME T RI G secon s S Clear SER ICE C E TELEC MMU ICATI SER ICE S ...

Страница 23: ...C MMU ICATI SER ICE S Status TELEC MMU ICATI SER ICE S Clear all Call ar Types 3 3 0 ASS R S Change Call ar ass or 0 3 L ASS R E ASS R E ASS R S 3 7 9 Telecommunication Services Used for Public MMI Teleservice Service MMI Service Code All teleservices 10 Telophony 11 All ata telesevices 12 acsi ile services 13 Short Message Services SMS 16 All teleservices e cept SMS 19 oice group services 17 MCUK...

Страница 24: ...t be replace ith a ne one attery level in icator H oes not light hen charging I a battery is eeply ischarge it ill take a short ti e be ore there is su icient po er in the telephone to isplay the battery level in icator H The battery pack ust be charge in a te perature no lo er than 5 C an no higher than 35 C Calls cannot be a e Calls cannot be a e hen the telephone is locke or outgoing calls are ...

Страница 25: ...has etecte a proble ith the SIM S itch the telephone o an then back on I the essage oes not isappear contact your Service rovi er 3 10 Security Codes CODE TYPE NUMBER OF DIGITS DESCRIPTION ersonal I enti ication u ber I 4 to 8 Controls SIM security Supplie by the service provi er I 2 4 to 8 Controls e ory security Supplie by the service provi er I I 2 Unblocking Key UK UK 2 8 Use to unblock I an I...

Страница 26: ... 8 kbps Asynch 4 8 kbps U I or o e T or T 26 Asynchronous 9 6 kbps Asynch 9 6 kbps U I or o e T or T 41 e icate A Access 300 bps Asynch 300 bps U I T or T 42 e icate A Access 1 2 kbps Asynch 1 2 kbps U I T or T 44 e icate A Access 2 4 kbps Asynch 2 4 kbps U I T or T 45 e icate A Access 4 8 kbps Asynch 4 8 kbps U I T or T 46 e icate A Access 9 6 kbps Asynch 9 6 kbps U I T or T U I Unrestricte igita...

Страница 27: ...AGSM C GSM 280 01 49 eTeMobil G b Mobil unk 1 1 262 01 49 Mannes ann Mobil unk 2 RI AT 2 262 02 E 34 TELE ICA M ILES M ISTAR MSTAR 214 07 E 34 AIRTEL S AI AIRTEL AIRTL 214 01 EE 372 Eesti Mobiiltele on EMT GSM EMT 248 01 EE 372 RA I LI A EESTI AS EESTI RLE 248 02 K 45 TELE an ark Mobile T K M IL T M 238 01 K 45 ansk Mobil Tele on MT S S 238 02 33 rance Teleco Itineris Itine 208 01 33 S R S R S R 2...

Страница 28: ...LC M E CEL 510 11 IRL 353 Teleco Irelan EIRCELL GSM E GSM 272 01 KSA 966 ELECTR IC A LICATI S ESTA LIS ME T EAE AL A AL EAE 420 07 KT 96 Mobile Teleco unications Co MTC Net MTC 419 02 L 352 T Lu e bourg LU GSM T L 270 01 L 371 Latvian Mobile Telephone Co Lt LMT GSM LMT 247 01 MAC 853 C T M TELEM EL CTMGSM 455 01 M R 212 T M R CC T T 604 01 MRU 60 MAURITIUS TELEC M LT CELL LUS CELL 617 01 M 60 I AR...

Страница 29: ...0 08 SA 27 AC M o aCo A 655 01 SA 27 Mobile Telephone et orks MT MT 655 10 SG 65 Singapore Teleco ST GSM STGSM 525 01 SRI 94 MT ET RKS T SRI LA KA IAL G AL G 413 02 S R 963 Mobile Syria M ILE S RIA S R M 417 09 T 66 A vance In o Service ublic Co pany Li ite AIS GSM T AIS 520 01 TR 90 TT Turkey TURKCELL GSM TCELL 286 01 TR 90 TT Turkey TT TELSIM GSM TLSIM 286 02 UAE 971 ETISALAT ETISALAT ETSLT 424 ...

Страница 30: ... or SIM security Supplie by your service provi er I 2 ersonal I enti ication u ber use or the control o i e ial Me ory an call charge etering Supplie by your service provi er UK UK2 I I 2 Unblocking Key Use to unblock the I I 2 Supplie by your service provi er Registration The act o locking on to a GSM net ork This is usually per or e auto atically by your telephone Roa ing The ability to use your...

Страница 31: ...ll this e uip ent into a positive groun e vehicle o not atte pt to supply po er to the e uip ent ro a positive groun e vehicle Installation ill be per or e using either o the ollo ing kits 1 an s ree car ount kit 2 C a aptor 4 2 Handsfree Car Mount Kit Figure 1 an s ree Car Mount Kit 500 0401 MCUK970901C8 Section 4 Issue 1 Service Manual 4 1 Revision 0 INSTALLATION GUIDE ...

Страница 32: ... that the location ill allo easy operation o the unit Ensure that the location provi es a secure i ing or the unit Avoi irect e posure to the sun s rays or to rain Ensure that the location takes ue consi eration o cable routing re uire ents Consi ering the points liste above the reco en e locations or ounting the han s ree unit are the ashboar Ar Rest Storage Co part ent or the Centre Console Figu...

Страница 33: ... etc here possible Site cables so that contact ith oving parts brake clutch pe als seat echanis s etc is avoi e Site cables as ar a ay as possible ro e isting cabling to avoi electrical in uction Shiel cables to protect inter erence ith the vehicle electronics hen connecting cables to the vehicle circuitry ensure that the vehicle unctions are not a ecte A typical car installation is illustrate bel...

Страница 34: ...llo ing con igurations Figure 4 A ustable angle bracket con igurations 500 0404 Issue 1 Section 4 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 4 4 Service Manual INSTALLATION GUIDE A S REE A USTA LE A GLE RACKET 2 LE SEL TA I G SCRE T 4 25R 4 SCRE 4 10 4 30 38 16 A S REE A USTA LE A GLE RACKET SCRE 4 SCRE 4 10 4 2 LE 30 38 SEL TA I G SCRE T 4 25R 4 ...

Страница 35: ...he clip into the hole o the icrophone base 2 Mount the icrophone onto the sun visor as sho n in igure 5 3 Connect the icrophone to the lying lea ro the han s ree cra le Mounting the Microphone to the Dashboard 1 Attach the a hesive pa to the ashboar clip 2 rill a 1 hole at the ounting location an ount the clip using a M2 5 sel tapping scre 3 Insert the pro ection o the clip into the icrophone base...

Страница 36: ...on 450 0406 4 4 Simple Car Kit The telephone is po ere irectly ro the 12 cigar lighter socket To i prove signal uality the e ternal antenna is connecte to the ME type connector S itch the po er o an it the connector to the telephone Figure 7 Si ple Car Kit Installation 450 0407 Issue 1 Section 4 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 4 6 Service Manual INSTALLATION GUIDE ME ...

Страница 37: ...E CARE MUST E E ERCISE AT ALL TIMES E A LI G T ESE E ICES Caution The e uip ent escribe in this anual contains electrostatic sensitive evices ES s a age can occur to these evices i the appropriate han ling proce ure is not a here to ESD Handling precautions A orking area here ES s ay be sa ely han le ithout un ue risk o a age ro electrostatic ischarge ust be available The area ust be e uippe as ol...

Страница 38: ...o the telephone Figure 1 attery re oval 450 0501 2 igure 2 Re ove the back ro the telephone case 2 scre s Figure 2 Case isasse bly 450 0502 3 igure 3 Re ove the C asse bly 2 scre s Figure 3 C asse bly re oval 450 0503 Issue 1 Section 5 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 5 2 Service Manual DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 39: ...ove the icrophone ro the C asse bly Figure 5 Microphone re oval 450 00505 6 igure 6 Re ove the bu er ree s itch asse bly cable ro the cable cla p Figure 6 u er ree s itch cable re oval 450 0506 MCUK970901C8 Section 5 Issue 1 Service Manual 5 3 Revision 0 DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 40: 450 0507 8 igure 8 Tip LC isplay or ar to allo re oval o the LC earpiece hol er Figure 8 LC re oval 1 450 0508 9 igure 9 Unplug the speaker connector ro the logic C Figure 9 Speaker re oval 450 0509 Issue 1 Section 5 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 5 4 Service Manual DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 41: ...he logic C Figure 11 LC isasse bly 2 450 0511 5 2 2 Reassembly 1 igure 12 Care ust be taken hen reinstalling the back onto the telephone case Ensure that the securing scre s are not over tightene as this ay a ect the operation o the keypa Figure 12 Case reasse bly 450 0512 MCUK970901C8 Section 5 Issue 1 Service Manual 5 5 Revision 0 DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 42: ...e t o case scre s Figure 13 Case scre re oval 500 0518 2 igure 14 Re ove the case ro the cover asse bly Figure 14 Case re oval 500 0519 3 igure 15 Re ove the C asse bly i ing scre s Figure 15 Scre re oval 500 0520 Issue 1 Section 5 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 5 6 Service Manual DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 43: ... pose the connector cable Figure 16 Charger C re oval 1 500 0521 5 igure 17 isconnect an re ove the charger C Figure 17 Charger C re oval 2 500 0522 MCUK970901C8 Section 5 Issue 1 Service Manual 5 7 Revision 0 DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 44: ... the ront cover ro the han s ree asse bly by re oving the cover securing scre an isconnecting the speaker lea ro the han s ree C Figure 19 an s ree cover re oval 500 0524 3 igure 20 Re ove the han s ree C 3 scre s Figure 20 an s ree C re oval 500 0525 Issue 1 Section 5 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 5 8 Service Manual DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 45: ...igure 22 an s ree cable positioning 500 0527 MCUK970901C8 Section 5 Issue 1 Service Manual 5 9 Revision 0 DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS o er cable 2 Install antenna an curly cable asse bly into the case Curly Cable Antenna Cable 1 Install icrophone cable not sho n into case 3 Install the po er cable into the case Ensure that the etal tab has engage into the i ing slot ...

Страница 46: ...onto the han s ree C an reinstalling the cover securing scre Figure 23 an s ree cover re oval 500 0524 5 igure 24 Reinstall the hol er onto the han s ree unit 4 scre s Figure 24 ol er re oval 500 0523 Issue 1 Section 5 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 5 10 Service Manual DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ...

Страница 47: ... isplay Chip on glass li ui crystal Alphanu eric 12 3 characters 4 icons an 6 1 characters 6 Illu ination Green 4 LE s or the LC 10 LE s or the keyboar s 1 LE Inco ing call Re 1 LE Charging in icator 7 Keypa 17 keys an avigation key 8 SIM lug in type only 9 attery 4 8 10 Stan by attery Li e R 5 ECTEL reco en ation attery ack S upto 35 hrs attery ack S2 upto 38 hrs attery ack M upto 50 hrs attery a...

Страница 48: ... 1 re uency error 0 1pp a relative to base station re uency 2 Mo ulation phase error RMS 5 eak 20 3 utput R Spectru ue to Mo ulation Offset from Centre Frequency kHz Maximum Level Relative to the Carrier dB 100 200 250 400 to 1800 0 5 30 33 54 Integral antenna 4 utput R Spectru ue to S itching Transients Offset from Centre Frequency kHz Maximum Level dBm 400 600 1200 1800 23 26 32 36 Measure ent c...

Страница 49: ...100 100 100 100 100 Measure ent con itions eak ol Mo ulate Carrier a Measure ent average over a burst an then average again over 50 bursts b In each o the ban s 925 960 M an 1805 1880 M up to 5 spurii easure ents can ail these li its in hich case the li it 36 shall apply 6 utput Level yna ic peration Power Control Level defined by GSM 05 05 Peak Power dBm Tolerance for Conditions dB Normal Extreme...

Страница 50: con ition but ust re ain the sa e or ER an class Ib R ER easure ents or the sa e channel con ition 2 locking Interferer Frequency MHz Interferer Level dBm set ro ante carrier in ban 915 980M 600k 800k 1 6M 43 33 23 ut o ban re uency ban s 0 1 915 980 12750 0 0 Measure ent Con itions ante carrier is 3 above re erence sensitivity Inter erer is C Spurious response e ceptions 6 e ceptions are ...

Страница 51: ...voltage 8 a i u Input current 700 A Charging slots ront Main unit Rear attery pack only Charge ti e ront slot attery ack S 120 inutes attery ack S2 120 inutes attery ack M 150 inutes attery ack L 300 inutes Charge ti e rear slot attery ack S 4 hours attery ack S2 4 hours attery ack M 4 hours attery ack L 10 hours Charge in icator ront slot Telephone isplay G Charging H En o charge telephone En o c...

Страница 52: ...te perature range 5 to 35 C 6 6 DC Adaptor This speci ication is applicable to the C A aptor an Si ple Car Kit Input voltage 13 8 C 20 egative earth only utput voltage 7 2 C 0 10 Current consu ption peration 500 A Stan by 34 A a no loa Charge ti e attery ack S 120 inutes attery ack M 150 inutes attery ack L 270 inutes isplay Re LE po er status Reverse voltage protection io e across input Short cir...

Страница 53: ... 4 8 Capacity 600 Ah Storage te perature range 20 to 40 C 6 onths 6 7 3 Battery Pack M Type i M 4 cells eight 115 2g oltage 4 8 Capacity 850 Ah Storage te perature range 20 to 40 C 6 onths 6 7 4 Battery Pack XL Type i M 4 cells eight 145 2g oltage 4 8 Capacity 1600 Ah Storage te perature range 20 to 40 C 6 onths MCUK970901C8 Section 6 Issue 1 Service Manual 6 7 Revision 0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...

Страница 54: ...This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 6 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 6 8 Service Manual TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...

Страница 55: ...ption o the e uip ent re uire to per or those tasks Testing an a ust ent o the han hel unit can be per or e ith the outer case in place or in epth ault in ing the unit shoul be isasse ble section 5 an the e ten e car use to connect the C s together e ternally as they oul be oun in nor al use ault tracing can then be per or e on the C s using suitable test e uip ent such as spectru analysers an osc...

Страница 56: ...he Inter ace o I 001 5 E ten er C art o G5E T C 001 igure 3 The e ten er C is provi e to allo connection o the logic C to the R C hen the C s have been re ove ro the ain unit Figure 3 E ten er C 500 0703 6 GSM Tester This unit acts as a base station provi ing all the necessary GSM signalling re uire ents an also provi es GSM signal easuring acilities 7 Channel o So t are This is the test so t are ...


Страница 58: the G450 unit The channel bo so t are supplie on loppy isk shoul be installe onto the ain rive o the personal co puter The R cable on the regulator unit is connecte to the GSM test station via a suitable a aptor The 12 supply is connecte to the rear socket o the inter ace unit T o o es are available or testing the han hel unit 1 Test Mo e The Test Mo e acility allo s various sections o the han ...

Страница 59: 10 6 At the Inter ace Unit s itch the po er to 7 Steps 5 an 6 above ust be carrie out ithin 1 secon or po er ill ti e out NOTE The UUT ill s itch an back again The isplay ill rea STAT I The back light ill be illu inate an all LE s ill be lit Go to section 7 5 Channel o Test Co an s or urther testing in or ation Power On in Normal Mode 1 igure 8 Connect together the test e uip ent Figure 8 Inter...

Страница 60: ... Figure 9 C Screen SCR 9 450 0707 3 n the C press E TER 4 S itch on the 12 supply 5 At the Inter ace Unit s itch the po er to an to 6 At the C press 10 7 At the Inter ace Unit s itch IG Entering Call Mode from Test Mode The screen o the C ill rese ble the one sho n in igure 10 Figure 10 C Screen SCR 11 500 0710 Issue 1 Section 7 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 7 6 Service Manual TEST AND MEASUREMENT ...

Страница 61: this ill reset the e ault channel settings C A GE C Sets up pre e ine channel settings T R M Sets user e ine channels or trans it Receive an onitor R I C revents Receive signal ro pulsing provi ing accurate test environ ent or the Receive signal Allo s RSSI easure ent to be a e ER LE EL Allo s a speci ie po er level to be set at the UUT T ATA RL 0 RL 1 RL R ACC R Sets T Mo ulation to or al burs...

Страница 62: on all above C ECK LC 1 1 2 rovi es 50 visual isplay o check pattern on the UUT LC rovi es 50 visual isplay o check pattern on the UUT LC TEST S TST E ith E set an TEST M E TERM test co an s can be entere ro the key pa o the UUT SET ER IS E A LE ISA LE Unit error co es ill be isplaye on the UUT isplay Unit error co es ill not be isplaye on the UUT isplay S T SIM E A LE ISA LE ith E A LE set an ...

Страница 63: ... proce ures are 1 Ra ping gain Section 7 5 1 2 RSSI Section 7 5 2 3 I an values Section 7 5 3 The a ust ent ata selecte uring calibration is store in the telephone EE R M Figure 11 Test so t are screen 450 0710 7 5 1 Ramping Gain The carrier po er ust be easure an calibrate or each po er level at channel 62 Target Power Level Peak Power dBm Tolerance dB Initial Calibration Value Change per dB L5 3...

Страница 64: ...then press E TER b ress the o n arro until L L19 is highlighte ress the ove le t arro until 5 appears in the highlighte iel ress E TER c igure 12 ress the o n arro until T ATA is highlighte ress the ove arro until RL R appears in the highlighte iel ress E TER Figure 12 T ata iel 450 0712 2 At the GSM test unit easure the eak o er 3 I the easure po er is in the range o the target po er see previous...

Страница 65: ...ter the value calculate in step 4 into the ata iel an then press E TER 9 ress ESC 10 At the GSM test unit re easure the eak o er 11 Repeat steps 2 9 o this proce ure or po er levels L6 to L19 12 A ter calibrating at channel 62 the carrier po er ust be easure an calibrate at lo an high channels or po er level 5 to 19 MCUK970901C8 Section 7 Issue 1 Service Manual 7 11 Revision 0 TEST AND MEASUREMENT...

Страница 66: ... level o 60 3 At the C highlight the C A GE C 62 iel an press E TER 4 ighlight the SET AGC 2 iel an change the set value to 36 an press E TER 5 igure 15 ighlight the RSSI iel an press E TER Figure 15 RSSI iel 450 0715 6 I the easure value is not 60 2 then ake the ollo ing calculation RSSI o set value 60 MEASURE RSSI ALUE or e a ple 60 75 15 Recor the result 7 igure 16 At the C press 7 select TRIM ...

Страница 67: ... ALUE ro step 8 REA I G TE I STE 6 Enter the result into the RSSI M iel or e a ple 1 5 5 20 11 ress E TER 12 ress ESC 13 Measure the RSSI level again by highlighting the RSSI iel an pressing E TER Repeat this proce ure or the calibration o both Lo an igh channels MCUK970901C8 Section 7 Issue 1 Service Manual 7 13 Revision 0 TEST AND MEASUREMENT ...

Страница 68: ...he o n arro until L is highlighte ress E TER c igure 19 ress the o n arro until T ATA is highlighte ress the ove arro until RL 0 appears in the highlighte iel ress E TER Figure 19 C setup 500 0719 2 igure 20 n the spectru analyser easure the carrier leakage ratio Carrier leakage ratio is easure as the ratio o peak po er an the po er at 68k belo peak re uency E a ple peak po er 902 468M 33 po er at...

Страница 69: ... carrier leakage ratio see I ch ests step 2 is greater than the ne carrier leakage ratio go to I ec Calibration 5 I the original carrier leakage ratio is less than the ne carrier leakage ratio go to I Inc Calibration I Dec Calibration 1 Set Ich o set to 127 see Ich Check step 1 2 Using the spectru analyser easure the ne carrier leakage ratio 3 I the carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c then ...

Страница 70: ... 2 Measure carrier leakage ratio 3 I the carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4 I not then repeat steps 1 2 an 3 above or ch o set values 58 55 52 49 46 43 5 I the carrier leakage ratio is still less than 30 c then unit is a ail Q Inc Calibration 1 Set ch o set to 6 see ch Check step 2 2 Measure carrier leakage ratio 3 I carrier leakage ratio is g...

Страница 71: ...30 c then go to Ich gain calibration IQch Gain Calibration 1 Set I ch gain to 0 a n the C press 6 b igure 21 ress ove le t arro until I C GAI iel is highlighte ress E TER c igure 22 Enter 2 into the ata iel ress E TER 2 Measure the i age leak ratio 3 I i age leak ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4 I i age leak ratio is less than 30 c then repeat steps 1 2 an ...

Страница 72: ...into a state hich ill allo the receive signal path to be onitore 7 5 5 Simple Transmitter Test The ollo ing proce ure gives a etho by hich the Unit Un er Test UUT can be place into a con ition allo ing the service technician to probe the entire trans it R path Input level an re uency can also be speci ie To per or the ollo ing proce ure the UUT ust irst be place into Test Mo e er or the ollo ing s...

Страница 73: ... C ITI ress E TER Figure24 ie lock co e 450 0724 2 The isplay ill sho the current lock status an lock co e or the UUT 7 6 2 Change current lock code 1 At the C press S I T an 4 an highlight R G L CK C ITI ress E TER 2 igure 25 ress E TER to unlock the UUT The current lock co e ill be use Figure 25 rogra lock co e 450 0725 3 Enter 0000 to reset the UUT to actory e aults The UUT ill be locke using t...

Страница 74: ... teen igit Control Key CK is kno n hen enable by the CK is ithhel ro the user an cannot be rea or security reasons There are t o special key se uences to enter the enable isable enu Key se uence 7 4 6 D D 5 2 8 2 4 D D otes Can only isable personalisation Can both enable an isable personalisation Disabling Procedure 1 F 7 4 6 D D or 5 2 8 2 4 D D 2 F e to point at SIM or SIM ersonalisation et ork ...

Страница 75: ... n Figure 1 Logic ap 450 0801 The ave or s sho n belo relate to the logic circuit iagra on the ollo ing pages The ave or s sho n are or re erence purposes Figure 2 1 450 0802 MCUK970901C8 Section 8 Issue 1 Service Manual 8 1 Revision 0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS S EET 1 S EET 2 S EET 3 MAI L GIC KE A ACKLIG T AU ILIAR MAI C ECT R 0 2 s 0 50 ...

Страница 76: ...te to the logic circuit iagra on the ollo ing pages The ave or s sho n are or re erence purposes Figure 4 2 450 0804 Figure 5 3 450 0805 Figure 6 4 450 0806 Figure 7 5 450 0807 Issue 1 Section 8 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 8 2 Service Manual CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS S EET 1 S EET 2 S EET 3 T R I TER C ECTI AU ILAR 0 5 s 0 50 0 2 s 1 00 20 0 s 100 0 2 s 0 50 ...

Страница 77: ...Logic Sheet 1 EG70629L1 MCUK970901C8 Section 8 Issue 1 Service Manual 8 3 Revision 0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 78: ...Logic Sheet 2 EG70629L2 Issue 1 Section 8 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 8 4 Service Manual CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 79: ...Logic Sheet 3 EG70629L3 MCUK970901C8 Section 8 Issue 1 Service Manual 8 5 Revision 0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 80: ...RF Sheet 1 EG70630K1 Issue 1 Section 8 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 8 6 Service Manual CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 81: ...RF Sheet 2 EG70630K2 MCUK970901C8 Section 8 Issue 1 Service Manual 8 7 Revision 0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 82: ...RF Sheet 3 EG70630K3 Issue 1 Section 8 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 8 8 Service Manual CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 83: ...8 2 Handsfree Unit SC70326E MCUK970901C8 Section 8 Issue 1 Service Manual 8 9 Revision 0 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 84: ...This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 8 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 8 10 Service Manual CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 85: ...9 PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS 9 1 Handheld Unit 9 1 1 Logic LA70629L MCUK970901C8 Section 9 Issue 1 Service Manual 9 1 Revision 0 PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 86: ...9 1 2 RF LA70630K Issue 1 Section 9 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 9 2 Service Manual PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 87: ...9 2 Handsfree Unit LA70326E MCUK970901C8 Section 9 Issue 1 Service Manual 9 3 Revision 0 PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 88: ...This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 9 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 9 4 Service Manual PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS ...

Страница 89: ...anel M0105 5 70115AA Key Sheet M0106 5 70018A Microphone ushing M0109 5S70074A LC acklight M0110 5 70058 Chassis M0112 4G70003A Antenna ol er M0113 5M70149A Case M0115 1 70188A Antenna Ter inal M0123 G5M S002 atent Label M116 M117 3 70027A Scre M124 M125 3 70027A Scre MK0107 M70011A Microphone Assy R 70057 Co a Cable MCUK970901C8 Section 10 Issue 1 Service Manual 10 1 Revision 0 PARTS LIST M0105 M...

Страница 90: ...A Insulator M0424 1M270900102 Cla p M0425 5 5129A olu e knob M0426 3 6 Scre M0427 M0428 T 2510G Scre 2 M0429 T 256G Scre M0440 3 30 Scre M0441 5U70008 Top cushion 0001 70005A o er Supply Cable 0201 C70109A Curly Cor 0202 C70110A Interconnecting Cable 0302 G70003A E ternal Microphone Cable Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 2 Service Manual PARTS LIST Figure 2 an s ree Unit 500 1002 M044...

Страница 91: ... T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A3 MODEL E G450 NAME Logic Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks C026 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A3 C028 CS U011M156 CA ACIT R 15 6 A2 C029 CS U011M156 CA ACIT R 15 6 A2 C031 ECU 1C104K CA ACIT R 100n 16 A1 C032 ECU 1C104K CA ACIT R 100n 16 7 C033 ECU 1C104K CA ACIT R 100n 16 A6 C034 ECU 1C104K CA ACIT R 100n 16 5 C035 ECU 1C104K CA ACIT R 100n 16 4 C036 GM1C102 1ET CA ACIT ...

Страница 92: ...CIT R 100n 16 A7 C080 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 1 C081 GM1 105 1AT CA ACIT R 1 10 A2 C082 GM1 105 1AT CA ACIT R 1 10 6 C083 GM1 105 1AT CA ACIT R 1 10 A2 C084 ECU 1 470 C CA ACIT R 47p 50 A3 C085 CS U009M335 CA ACIT R 3 3 16 A3 C086 ECU 1E223K CA ACIT R 22n 25 A1 MODEL E G450 NAME Logic Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks 001 CL155URG T LE 2 C L UR 1 002 MA8062MT E ER I E A3 003 MA111T I E A2...

Страница 93: ... Description Grid Remarks R012 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ A4 R014 ER 3GE 103 RESIST R 10kΩ A2 R015 ER 3GE 103 RESIST R 10kΩ A2 R016 ER 3GE 223 RESIST R 22kΩ A2 R017 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ A2 R018 ER 3GE 563 RESIST R 56kΩ A2 R022 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ A4 R023 ER 3GE 331 RESIST R 330Ω A4 R025 ER 3GE 102 RESIST R 1kΩ A2 R026 ER 3GE 222 RESIST R 2k2Ω A2 R027 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ A3 R030 ER ...

Страница 94: ... RESIST R 390Ω A2 R 004 E 4 391 RESIST R 390Ω A1 R 005 E 4 104 RESIST R 100kΩ A3 R 006 E 4 331 RESIST R 330Ω A2 R 009 E 4 331 RESIST R 330Ω A2 R 010 E 4 122 RESIST R 1k2Ω A1 R 012 E 4 273 RESIST R 27kΩ A4 MODEL E G450 NAME Logic Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks R 014 E 4 563 RESIST R 56kΩ A2 R 015 E 4 104 RESIST R 100kΩ A3 R 016 E 4 331 RESIST R 330Ω A4 R 017 E 4 331 RESIST R 330Ω R 018 E 4 33...

Страница 95: ...M1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A3 MODEL E G450 NAME R Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks C150 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A4 C153 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A4 C154 ECU 1 103K CA ACIT R 10n 50 A5 C155 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A4 C157 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 5 C159 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 5 C160 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 5 C161 ECU 1 221 C CA ACIT R 220p 50 2 C162 ECU 1C33...

Страница 96: ...239 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 A5 C240 ECU 1 030CC CA ACIT R 3p 50 A5 MODEL E G450 NAME R Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks C250 ECU 1 070 C CA ACIT R 7p 50 A6 C251 ECU 1 070 C CA ACIT R 7p 50 A5 C252 ECU 1 070 C CA ACIT R 7p 50 A5 C253 ECU 1 070 C CA ACIT R 7p 50 A5 C254 ECU 1 331 C CA ACIT R 330p 50 A6 C255 ECU 1 331 C CA ACIT R 330p 50 A5 C301 CS U009M475 CA ACIT R 4 7 16 2 C302 ECU 1 103...

Страница 97: ...2 C351 ECU 1C333K CA ACIT R 33n 16 A2 C353 ECU 1 050 C CA ACIT R 5p 50 A3 C370 CS U009M475 CA ACIT R 4 7 16 2 C371 ECU 1 103K CA ACIT R 10n 50 2 C372 CS U011M106 CA ACIT R 10u 6 3 2 MODEL E G450 NAME R Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks C373 ECU 1 103K CA ACIT R 10n 50 2 C374 CS U011M106 CA ACIT R 10u 6 3 2 C375 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p 50 2 C377 GM1 105 1AT CA ACIT R 1 10 3 C378 ECU 1 102K CA...

Страница 98: ... UCT R 120n A6 L219 LL2012 R10 I UCT R 100n A6 L301 EL RE8 2 2 I UCT R 8n2 A4 MODEL E G450 NAME R Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks L302 EL RE4 7 2 I UCT R 4n7 A2 L303 EL RE5 6 2 I UCT R 5n6 A2 L304 EL RE56 3 I UCT R 56n A2 L305 EL RE47 2 I UCT R 47n A3 L403 EL RE22 2 I UCT R 22n A6 150 UMC2TR TRA SIST R 7 301 2SC4617TLR TRA SIST R 2 304 2SC4226T1 01 TRA SIST R A2 305 TC144EETL TRA SIST R A2 37...

Страница 99: ...205 ER 3GE 102 RESIST R 1kΩ A6 R250 ER 3GE 152 RESIST R 1k5Ω A5 MODEL E G450 NAME R Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks R251 ER 3GE 683 RESIST R 68kΩ A6 R252 ER 3GE 683 RESIST R 68kΩ A5 R253 ER 3GE 242 RESIST R 2k4Ω A5 R254 ER 3GE 152 RESIST R 1k5Ω A5 R255 ER 3GE 242 RESIST R 2k4Ω A5 R256 ER 3GE 683 RESIST R 68kΩ A5 R257 ER 3GE 683 RESIST R 68kΩ A5 R258 ER 3GE 242 RESIST R 2k4Ω A5 R259 ER 3GE 152...

Страница 100: ...T R 470Ω C7 R407 ER 3GE 0R00 RESIST R 0Ω A4 R408 ER 3GE 330 RESIST R 33Ω A4 R413 ER 3GE 682 RESIST R 6k8Ω A5 R414 ER 3GE 682 RESIST R 6k8Ω A5 R415 ER 3GE 682 RESIST R 6k8Ω A5 MODEL E G450 NAME R Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks R416 ER 3GE 682 RESIST R 6k8Ω A6 R417 ER 3GE 684 RESIST R 680kΩ A5 R418 ER 3GE 684 RESIST R 680kΩ A5 R419 ER 3GE 684 RESIST R 680kΩ A5 R420 ER 3GE 684 RESIST R 680kΩ A6...

Страница 101: ...R CART M K002 6 70571A UL CUS I M K003 6 70572A CAR AR CUS I 10 4 Handsfree Replacement Parts List 10 4 1 Handsfree Unit MODEL E 501 E 450 NAME an s ree Unit Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks C0101 ECA1 330 CA ACIT R 1 F 50 C0102 EEU A1 121E CA ACIT R 1 F 50 C0103 ECA1C 121 CA ACIT R 120n 16 C0104 ECA1C 121 CA ACIT R 120n 16 C0105 ECEA0 KG330 CA ACIT R 1 F 6 3 C0106 GM2 103K1 T CA ACIT R 10n 50...

Страница 102: ... C0343 GM1 104K1CT CA ACIT R 0 1 25 C0344 GM1 104K1CT CA ACIT R 0 1 25 MODEL E 501 E 450 NAME an s ree Unit Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks C0345 GM1 104K1CT CA ACIT R 0 1 25 C0346 GM1 104K1CT CA ACIT R 0 1 25 C0347 GM1 104K1CT CA ACIT R 0 1 25 C0348 ECE 1CG100GR CA ACIT R 10 16 C0349 GM1 102K1 T CA ACIT R 1n 50 C0351 GM1C100 1 T CA ACIT R 10p 50 C0352 GM1C100 1 T CA ACIT R 10p 50 C0353 ECE 1...

Страница 103: ... 501 E 450 NAME an s ree Unit Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks L0101 RC 664470K I UCT R 47 12M L0102 RCR110 221L I UCT R 220 3 1M L0103 RC 664470K I UCT R 47 12M LS0301 S45U0208 S EAKER 0201 L 2016 T1 1 LUG 16 A 3A 0202 A70028A C ECT R 0203 116 2 SA C ECT R 6 A 0300 A S00218 C ECT R 0301 533980290 C ECT R 0101 2S 1142RS TRA SIST R 0102 2S 1835ST TRA SIST R 0107 2S 601A ST TRA SIST R 0201 TC144...

Страница 104: ...0kΩ R0202 ER 3GE 103 RESIST R 10kΩ R0203 ER 3GE 221 RESIST R 220Ω MODEL E 501 E 450 NAME an s ree Unit Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks R0204 ER 3GE 471 RESIST R 470Ω R0205 ER 12 102 RESIST R 1kΩ R0206 ER 12 102 RESIST R 1kΩ R0207 ER 3GE 103 RESIST R 10kΩ R0208 ER 3GE 222 RESIST R 2 2kΩ R0301 ER 3GE 392 RESIST R 3 9kΩ R0302 ER 3GE 681 RESIST R 680Ω R0303 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ R0304 ER 3GE ...

Страница 105: ...100kΩ R0355 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ R0356 ER 3GE 0R00 RESIST R 0Ω R0357 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ R0358 ER 3GE 223 RESIST R 22kΩ MODEL E 501 E 450 NAME an s ree Unit Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks R0359 ER 3GE 682 RESIST R 6 8kΩ R0360 ER 6GE 100 RESIST R 10Ω R0361 ER 6GE 471 RESIST R 470Ω R0362 ER 6GE 2R2 RESIST R 2 2Ω R0363 ER 3GE 473 RESIST R 47kΩ R0364 ER 3GE 223 RESIST R 22kΩ R0365 ER ...

Страница 106: ...406 T 256G SCRE M0410 5M70076A A S REE CASE M0411 1 C5819A LATE M0412 7 70119A A S REE AME LATE MODEL E 501 E 450 NAME Mechanical Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks M0413 S 35 SCRE M0420 1C70128A S IEL CASE 1 M0421 1C70129A S IEL CASE 2 M0422 1E70008A RA IAT R M0423 5G10500A I SULAT R M0424 1M270900102 CLAM M0425 5 5129A LUME K M0426 3 6 SCRE M0427 T 2510G SCRE M0428 T 2510G SCRE M0429 T 256G SC...

Страница 107: ...K SCRE M0711 S 410 K SCRE M0712 S 410 K SCRE M0713 T 425R K SCRE M0714 T 425R K SCRE M0715 T 425R K SCRE MODEL E 0001 NAME A ustable Angle racket Ref art o Description Grid Remarks M0716 T 425R K SCRE 10 4 6 Adjustable Angle Bracket 2 MODEL E 0002 NAME A ustable Angle racket Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks M0701 3G24152 RACKET M0702 G4 8 SCRE M0703 A4 K S RI G AS ER M0704 G4 K AS ER M0705 G4 ...

Страница 108: ...ation 2 11 ocu entation 10 6 Dual Charger The ual Charger is not a serviceable ite 10 7 DC Adaptor The C A aptor is not a serviceable ite 10 8 PC Card MODEL E A500 NAME C Car Ref Part No Description Grid Remarks I TER ACE CAR Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 20 Service Manual ...
