- 5 -
Configuration ........................................ 5
Accessories .......................................... 5
Introduction ........................................... 6
Characteristics ...................................... 6
Precautions for use .............................. 6
Major operating controls and
their functions ................................. 7
Studio card ....................................... 7
Interface bracket .............................. 8
Installing the studio card ..................... 9
Interface bracket mountings ............. 10
Mounting the bracket on a tripod ... 10
Mounting the camera ..................... 10
Mounting the viewfinder
on a bracket ................................ 10
Connections ........................................ 11
When configuring a system
with the remote control unit ....... 11
When configuring a system
with the remote operation panel .... 1
Setting and changing of menu items ... 13
Performing the settings .................. 13
Optional card settings submenu .... 15
Appearance ......................................... 16
Studio card ..................................... 16
Interface bracket ............................ 17
Specifications ..................................... 18
Adjuster plug (M6
M3) ......................... 1
Screws (6 mm) ....................................... 2
Screws (8 mm) ....................................... 4
Studio card (AW-PB305A U01) ............. 1
Interface bracket (AW-PB305A U02) .... 1