Picture 2/7 screen
Picture 2/7
Chroma Level 0%
Chroma Phase 0
Master Pedestal 0
R Pedestal 0
G Pedestal 0
B Pedestal 0
Pedestal Offset Off
Chroma Level [Off, –99% to 99%]
Set here the color intensity (chroma level) of the images.
Chroma Phase [–31 to +31]
Make fine adjustments to the hue of the colors in the images.
Master Pedestal [–200 to +200]
This item is used to adjust the black level (adjust the pedestal).
These parts become darker when a negative setting is selected and,
conversely, lighter when a positive setting is selected.
R Pedestal [–100 to +100]
This enables the R pedestal to be adjusted.
G Pedestal [–100 to +100]
This enables the G pedestal to be adjusted.
B Pedestal [–100 to +100]
This enables the B pedestal to be adjusted.
Pedestal Offset [Off, On]
Set the pedestal level of the Rch, Gch, and Bch when the auto black
balance has been adjusted.
Set the pedestal level to [0] for [R Pedestal], [G Pedestal],
and [B Pedestal].
Maintain the values set for each of [R Pedestal],
[G Pedestal], and [B Pedestal].
Return to the previous menu level.
Picture 3/7 screen
Picture 3/7
Detail On
Master Detail 0
Detail Coring 15
V Detail Level 0
Detail Frequency 0
Level Depend. 0
Knee Aperture Level 2
Detail Gain(+) 0
Detail Gain(—) 0
Detail [Off, On]
Turn on/off the contour (sharpness of images) adjustment of images.
Master Detail [–31 to +31]
Adjust the contour correction level (master).
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Detail Coring [0 to 60]
Set the level of the signal (including noise) which makes the detail
effect not work.
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
V Detail Level [–7 to +7]
Adjust the contour correction level in the vertical direction.
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Detail Frequency [–7 to +7]
Set the boost frequency of detail.
: Low frequency
: High frequency
When a high frequency is selected, the detail effect is added to
subjects with more definition.
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Level Depend. [–7 to +7]
When the detail of bright signals are emphasized, the detail of dark
parts are compressed.
The larger the [Level Depend.] setting, the more detail of bright parts
is compressed.
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Knee Aperture Level [0 to 5]
Set the detail level of very bright parts.
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Detail Gain(+) [–31 to +31]
Set the detail level of the plus direction (direction to be made
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Detail Gain(–) [–31 to +31]
Set the detail level of the minus direction (direction to be made
This is only enabled when [Detail] is set to [On].
Return to the previous menu level.
Camera menu items (continued)