Key Features
Sequential Startup/Shutdown:
Complex audio/video systems may be sus-
ceptible to voltage transients generated inter-
nally at start-up/shutdown if all of the equip-
ment is powered on or off at the same time.
This can cause speaker “thumps” which are
not only annoying but can also damage the
speakers and or trip product circuit breakers.
5100-PM is designed to eliminate
these transients by providing a “start-up”
delay for the High-Current outlets and a
“shutdown” delay for the Switched Outlet
Banks. This minimizes in rush current issues
by allowing the components plugged into the
Switched Outlet Banks to power-up and stabi-
lize before any amplifiers and powered sub-
woofers are turned on. This sequence is
reversed during shutdown. The amplifiers and
powered subwoofers turn off, their power
supplies drain, and then the equipment
plugged into the Switched Outlet Banks are
turned off.
USB Charger:
5100-PM features a front panel
convenience charger for mp3 players, cell
phones, and other small electronics.
Gaming LAN Port:
5100-PM features an easy-to-
access LAN port on the front panel. Perfect
for online gaming.
Gaming Outlet:
5100-PM features a convenience
outlet located on the front panel. Perfect for
gaming systems and other electronics.
Voltage Sense Trigger:
5100-PM voltage sense trigger
input uses a standard 3.5mm (1/8") mini-
mono plug.
This feature provides an ON/OFF trigger for
the MAX
5100-PM using a Direct Current
voltage signal. Many components such as
pre-amplifiers and receivers have a DC trigger
built in, and will transmit a constant power
signal when turned on and in use. The pres-
ence of this power signal will turn on the
5100-PM's switched outlets. When the
source component is turned off, the voltage
trigger signal is also turned off and the MAX
5100-PM's shutdown sequence is initiated.
An AC Adapter of the appropriate voltage,
plugged into a switched outlet, may also be
used if a DC trigger is not built in. When in
use the Voltage Sense Trigger overrides the
function of the on/off power button.
Panamax's patent pending power monitoring
circuitry constantly monitors the AC line volt-
age for unsafe voltage conditions such as
momentary spikes or prolonged over-volt-
ages and under-voltages (brownouts). These
unsafe conditions pose a very dangerous
threat to all electronic equipment within the
home. If the MAX
5100-PM senses an
unsafe power condition, it will automatically
disconnect your equipment from the power to
protect equipment from damage.Once the
voltage returns to a safe level, the MAX®
5100-PM will automatically reconnect the
When subjected to a 6,000V (open circuit
voltage) / 500A (short circuit current) surge,
the MAX
5100-PM limits its voltage output
to less than 330V peak, UL's best rating. The
5100-PM will withstand, without dam-
age, 20,000A surges, far exceeding the UL
requirement of only 3000 Ampere surges.
If the magnitude of the surge is greater than
the capacity of the surge protection compo-
nents, the MAX
5100-PM's Protect or
Disconnect Circuitry will disconnect your
equipment in order to protect it. The MAX®
5100-PM will need to be repaired or replaced
by Panamax if this occurs.
Cable/sat/antenna signal protection
Coaxial protection circuits achieve optimum
signal quality from our new coaxial protectors
that have the smallest signal loss on the mar-
ket - less than 0.5 db of attenuation from 0
MHz to 2.2 GHz. Our upgraded coaxial protec-
tion has been specifically designed to virtual-
ly eliminate signal loss. The clamping level of
75V will meet the demands of both cable and
satellite voltage while minimizing exposure to
damaging spikes and surges.
Telephone Line Protection:
Digital video recorders and satellite TV
receivers require a telephone line connection
for TV show scheduling and/or Pay-Per-View
services. The MAX
5100-PM also provides
surge protection for this line. One pair of RJ-
11 telephone jacks is provided for this. The
circuitry utilizes auto-resetting PTCRs and
solidstate SIDACtors“ for reliability and
unsurpassed protection. The clamping level
of the MAX
5100-PM's telephone protector
is 260 volts. This will allow typical ring volt-
age (90-130VAC) and operating battery volt-
age (-48DC) to pass through the circuit and
still protect the modem in your satellite
receiver from damage.
circuits for 10/100 baseT Ethernet
lines. Incoming LAN line MUST be plugged
into the LINE jack. Patch cord to the equip-
ment MUST be plugged into the EQUIP jacks.
1 LAN jack goes to the front panel output jack.
8 wire protection, 50V clamping.
Isolated Banks
LiFT Technology EMI/RFI Noise Filtration
with Isolation Between Outlet Banks:
Your audio/video components are constantly
being bombarded by electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI) and radio frequency interference
(RFI) through their AC power source. This
contaminated power can affect audio/video
equipment and will degrade the overall per-
formance of your entire system. Common
symptoms of contaminated power include
loss of picture detail, dull colors, pops, hiss-
es, hums and visual artifacts.
5100-PM is designed to eliminate
noise contamination, supply clean power to
your system and provide noise isolation
between the outlet banks so that any noise
created by A/V components plugged into the
MAX 5100-PM cannot contaminate the power
going to equipment plugged into the other
outlet banks of the MAX 5100-PM.
Linear Filtering Technology
For improving picture and sound quality
nothing filters AC noise better. LiFT evenly
eliminates noise across the entire bandwidth,
ensuring peak audio and video performance
by reducing harmonic distortion and improv-
ing the signal-to-noise ratio. With LiFT, you
are assured consistent performance and the
highest resolution from any audio or video
playback system.
INS00817_E Rev. C 9/09
– Do not install this device if there
is not at least 10 meters (30 feet) or more of
wire between the electrical outlet and
electrical service panel.