14 Operating Your AT2K cont’d
1-800-773-7931 WWW.PALSTAR.COM
10. When you have tuned your antenna to the best SWR, re-
cord the settings of the INPUT, ANTENNA and INDUC-
TANCE controls on the chart above for future reference.
When you retune, use these settings as your starting point.
1. An SWR of 1:1 is best, but an SWR as high as 2:1 may be
acceptable. Check your transmitter/amplifier manual for de-
2. If you cannot get an acceptable SWR, lengthen or shorten
your antenna and/or feedlines and retune.
3. If you get low SWR readings at more than one setting, use
the setting that gives:
—highest Forward power reading
—lowest Reflected power reading
—uses the largest capacitance (highest number) on
the INPUT and ANTENNA controls.
4. Any time a new or different antenna is connected, it is
necessary to repeat the tuning procedure for each antenna.
5. Once every 4-6 months clean the roller coil with 70% iso-
propyl alcohol and a clean cotton cloth.
Do not remove the
conducting grease on the rod that guides the roller wheel.
Do not transfer any of the conducting grease from the rod
to the roller coil body, as this will contaminate the wind-
ings .
Installation continued 7
1-800-773-7931 WWW.PALSTAR.COM
(2.1 mm plug, cen-
ter pin +) 12VDC
wall adapter at
200mA to power
the meter lamp,
coaxial connec-
tor for input
from transmit-
ter or ampli-
GROUND post/wing nut
ground connector.
COAX 2 coaxial connector for
output to Antenna Two.
COAX 1 coaxial connector for
output to Antenna One.
BYPASS coaxial connec-
tor for output to
dummy load or third
coax output. Bypasses
tuner, but meter cir-
cuits are on if AC adap-
tor is connected to jack
located on rear panel.
Use this connector
to connect an
optional 1:1 or 4:1
balun for balanced
or wire feed