Answering a second call (call waiting)
When you are on an active call, you can receive a second call. When the
second call comes in, the Call Waiting dialog appears, giving you the
following options for handling the second call:
• To place the current call on hold and answer the new call, use the 5-way
navigation control to choose Answer.
• To send the new call to voicemail, use the navigation control to choose
Making a conference call
You can join a total of five other calls in a conference session, provided that
your network and service plan include 6-way conferencing. Please contact
your mobile service provider for more information. Minutes in your mobile
account may be deducted for each active call you place.
1. While the first call is active, place or answer a second call.
2. Use the 5-way navigation control to choose Conf. This joins the two
active calls in a conference session.
3. Repeat this process to add other calls to the conference call.
4. To end the conference, use the navigation control to choose Hang Up
and end all the calls.
Forwarding all calls
You can forward all of your calls to another telephone number. You can also
selectively forward certain calls (see page 46). Keep in mind that your
mobile service provider might charge you for forwarded calls.
1. Press Phone
2. Press Menu
3. From the Options menu, choose Call Preferences (/A).
4. Choose the Forward all calls pick list.
• If the forwarding number appears in the pick list, select the number.
• If the forwarding number does not appear in the pick list, select Edit
Numbers, then choose New. Enter a forwarding number, including the
area code or country code if it is different from your mobile phone
number. Choose OK to finish.
5. Choose OK.
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More ways to manage calls
More ways to manage calls
:: 45