Port Forwarding
- is sometimes known as port mapping. This feature allows forwarding of a network
port from the internet to a port on the internal network behind the router. This is needed if the user wishes to
publish a web server or mail server inside the internal network.
- this service allows a user to remotely connect to the internal network behind the router from the
internet. Pakedge currently supports 2 types of VPN connections PPTP and SSL.
1. PPTP - PPTP technology extends the Point to Point Protocol (PPP) standard for traditional dial-up
networking. PPTP operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model. As a network protocol, PPTP is best
suited for the remote access applications of VPNs, but it also supports LAN internetworking. PPTP
client software is included with all current Windows and Linux operating systems and is also
included with Mac OS X (10.2) and above.
2. SSL - SSL runs on Secure Socket Layers technology and is accessible via https over web
browsers. It permits a user to establish safe and secure remote access sessions from
virtually any internet browsers to access home controls, share files, etc. SSL VPN advantage
over IPsec VPN is that a client software does not need to be installed.
Dual WAN Redundancy
- the ability for a user to have two broadband connections (one from the
cable provider and another from the phone company) as a backup in case the first connection goes down.
Dynamic DNS
- Allows users with non-static IP addresses to access their device with a DNS name
service that tracks the IP address changes..
Each of these features is independent of each other and sequence of installation does not matter. Pakedge will add more
features over time. Please visit our website for the latest Advanced Features User Manual: http://www.pakedge.com/
userguides.php. Finally, additional features can be added by referring to the Fortinet Administrator Guide for the Fortigate-
50B http://www.pakedge.com/docs/fortigate_admin_4.pdf. Please note, Pakedge does not support anything outside
of these features. If support is required, it can be purchased from Fortinet. Please contact Pakedge for details.