Product Description
150-388-125-01, Revision 01
September 15, 1998
HLU-388 List 2E
Status LED
describes the functions of the Status LED on the front panel.
Front Panel Display
The front panel display is used with the MODE and SEL buttons to display system diagnostic messages. Refer to
for a listing of the four-character messages.
The front panel display turns on when power is initially applied to the HLU-388. To conserve power, the display
only remains on for four minutes. The use of the MODE or SEL buttons activates the front panel display and
restarts the four minute, power-control timer.
Table 2.
Front Panel Components and Labels
Front Panel Feature
List number
The HLU-388 version number.
Front panel display
Displays four-character status, provisioning, and alarm system messages.
System option buttons
(MODE and SEL)
Permits the user options to be monitored and modified without the need of a maintenance
terminal. Used to initiate all HiGain loopbacks and to display DSX-1 line parameters and line unit
Status LED
for status descriptions.
Craft (RS-232) port
Bantam 210 jack provides bidirectional communication between the unit and an external terminal
to allow configuration and performance monitoring through the Maintenance Terminal screens.
CLEI/ECI bar code label
Provides the human-readable Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code number and
the Equipment Catalog Item (ECI) bar code number.
Configuration Number
The configuration number is a two or three-digit number that is either the last digits of a five or
six-digit warranty control number or a standalone configuration number of two or three digits. For
example, a number of “80107” would indicate a warranty beginning in the year 1998 (8), during
the month of January (01), and the unit’s configuration number of 7 (07).
Table 3.
Status LED Descriptions
LED Status
Normal operation
Flashing green
HDSL acquisition
Fuse alarm
Flashing red
System alarm
Self Test is in process or an HLU-388 Customer Remote Loopback
(CREM) or a Network Local Loopback (NLOC) is in effect.
Flashing yellow
HLU-388 is in an Armed state.