Power and Grounding
150-204-111-01, Revision 01
April 7, 2000
HRE-204 List 1A and List 2A
Figure 11.
TB2 Pin Assignments (Slots 2, 3, and 4)
Loop 1 connects to the Tip and Ring leads. Loop 2 connects to the Tip1 and Ring1 leads. To locate the appropriate
connector, see the pin assignment representations in
“Slot Pin Assignments” on page 17
If the Loop 1 and Loop 2 leads are reversed, a CHREV (Channels Reversed) message
appears in the ALARMS display field when viewing the HiGain Status screen field. This
condition does not affect system operation, but should be corrected to avoid any
confusion regarding the identities of the two HDSL loops.