In some cases slight dimensional
variation of the SmallRig clamps in
conjunction with longer whip antennas
may show some free-play between the
AM1 bracket and clamp, even with the
knurled knob very tight. This can be
eliminated by taking a small slip of
business card stock or equivalent
thickness card stock like the sample
included with the PL-259 to 3/8-24 stud
mount adapter and insert it
between the clamp and AM1 bracket,
and then tightening the knurled 3/8” bolt.
The AM1 bracket will cut off any excess
thickness of shim as it tightens.
The AM1 leadscrew comes pre-lubricated with a PTFE based
dry-lubricant. Since this clamp will be used outside, we discourage the
use of a grease or liquid oil, as dust and dirt will tend to stick to them.
When these abrasive particles are then run into the nuts they can
permanently scar the leadscrew thread surfaces, making tightening
difficult. If additional lubricant is needed, apply spray dry PTFE lubricant
sparingly on the lead screw and work the screw throughout it’s extent
to distribute the PTFE.
Acceptable dry lubricants are DuPont Non-Stick Aerosol, CRC Dry PTFE
Lube, 3-IN-ONE Dry Lube or others.
Dry graphite or moly lube can be used if the risk of making a mess in your
to-go kit bag is acceptable, these lubes will spread and stain surfaces.