Packard Bell 1939 Eight Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5

Содержание 1939 Eight

Страница 1: ...PackardInfo com ...

Страница 2: ... 1939 PACICARD EIGHT OWNER S MANUAL IVING CARE ADJUSTMENT AND EMERGENCY DATA 3 F O R C A R S BEGINNING ENGINE NO 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 Second Edition 1701 2 10 38 PackardInfo com ...

Страница 3: ...Convertible Coupe 2 4 Pass 3545 Convertible Sedan 3780 Coupe 2 Pass 3490 If weight o f car ready for the road is desired addI l85 lbs to cover gas water and spare tire Miscellaneous Fuses location See p 32 Tire size I6 x 73 ply on f 02 i six ply on 1702 Spark plugs O A C O S ik c h w p j n Spark pIug gap 028 or 002 Camber f 0 Caster See pagk 40 Toe in gt o hkJ Breaker point gap Q15 Ignition timing...

Страница 4: ...ect upon its subsequent opera tion and this applies to the brakes gears rear axle and other units as well as to the engine All friction surfaces will burnish themselves to that high surface polish so essential to quietness smoothness and durability if not too highly stressed or loaded during the break in period The best procedure is to refrain from even momentary wide open throttle operation Unles...

Страница 5: ...cessafy by accident negIect or misuse 3 Inspections Throughout the life of the car the owner is entitled to have it tested and inspected without charge every 30 days or 1 OQQ miles by ap authoi ized Packard Service Station such iispktion req uires no r krnovalor dismantling o f parts or un ts 4 Owner s ServiceCard Ak the time af delivery the owner is provided with an Owner s Service Card which wil...

Страница 6: ...e ofthe tufn the thra ttlc opening cq be gradually itlcreased togive maximum aderati a t of themi The 1after methodis deddedlymare safe easier on hrei an8 also fastkr Passijag Overtaken Cars Many accidents proceed from errorsi n judgment d e d a d dk It is thought that many drivers make but one obmatiah of the re s ve distances between their own car the car I be pas l Fa oncoming car One observati...

Страница 7: and Polishing Fine lacquers applied under ideal conditions give Packard cam a beautiful fini of high luster that can be maintained indefmitely if given proper attention Washing Periodic cIeaning is of course necessary Fine dust may be safely removed by dusting with a soft clean cloth but scrabMng a d ymr with dry cloths i s almost certain to scratch the highly polished sur aces Ordinarily it is...

Страница 8: ...t or dear hcquer overthedamaged area A clean uquesti n bly adds to the enjoyment o f motoring In respect to phsonal comfort it is partitulatly important that the inside of tlie r heke t clanb At I occasionally the whde inkriot should Ee given a thorough vacuum cleaning Cleaning Upholstery W e r e the use o f cleaning fluid is indicated use Packard Fabric Cleaner or a dwning fluid i n which cxbon t...

Страница 9: ...Moving the seat forwardelevates the cushion md demeasee heseabback inclination to provide seater comfort and better vision forpfwnsof allstature Sun Worn are swiqeled in su a K Q at nlxdrnbv ta shade e windshieldm ate front door vemamg windows of die pivok tyge b w i l t h t e on ol all closed b d y ty esare operated by a b gw yk Rear quarter window i n the dedan and TouAng S d a B f the pi t type...

Страница 10: ...htainedi by using the h correct body S A E number o f engine oil in the engine crankcase asi specifiedin the abwe table The oil shouId be of a low S A number i n cold weather to provide proper starting and a higher number in warm weather to provide economical consumption When Should Oil Be Changed Obviously the time between crankcase drains depends efitirely upon the driving conditions In consider...

Страница 11: ...requite 1 ca tio n T a 90 0QO mil R t hq ini mget shd should e m d and fie baqriqa packed wit1 Nu 5 fibre m e 1 Refill and turn grease cup every 5 000 frdes Apply one drop of oiI to the breaker arm pivot a few dr pg 2a t ae mck under the rotor and a 1 mgunt of u eline to e bwhw Tranmission and Overdrive I The oil level in the transmission should be c h separately ftom the overdrive unit and mainta...

Страница 12: ...rication connection L If Add a few drops of light oil to the clevis pins door hinges dovetails 1 and locks Grease hood lacing and hinges as needed r a crankcase refer to When Should Oil Be C h m on page 17 Supmt qrm outer pin Pressure gun grease 2 lubrication connections Front wkq elbearings Fibregrease k 3753 2 Repack 1 T ansmi onand See Transmission Fill to levels Overd e and averdrive on k T pr...

Страница 13: ... should be renewed whenever inspectidn shows excessive dearqce Crankshaft bearing upper and lower halves maybe mhewd from below without removing the crankshaft Connecting r d bearings may be renewed from below without removing the rod or pigbn Diamekr of crankshaft main journals 2 inches crankpins i inch nominal Note The patented Palnut is used in place of cotter pins on the connecting d bolts Smo...

Страница 14: ...3 0 10 F Below zero 6 0 1 5 7 0 15 0 20 F Below zero 6 5 8 5 8 0 16 0 30 F fielow zero N te During the cold weather m o n a haw the radiator solution tested o casionally with a0 hydrometer espezally prior to an expected drop i n temperature This pradti6 may avoid exgensive repairs Caution D O not use a calciumchlorideor alkalinesolution or any anti freeze wmpounded fromthwcm a k r i d w Suchsoluti...

Страница 15: ...if When the 4 m p h point is reached the thrapk guard should cut i n and tenipot arily bring the car s p e d up to 9 m p h then kick out The opening crf carburetor throttIe can be J 11 26 i 4 b Ly q nm byo ng the fooi ceIerihr whi swill Gd d m 3lgWIg when ke hit in sp8d i s ie kkh d I If the kick outy occurs at higher than 9 m ph ingwb th g ap bemeen diapbr rnrod A and throttle Iever decreap the g...

Страница 16: ... Q B to remove slack from linkage the d ance bop edge of vdve B to side wall o f air horn should be to as m Bend rqd H to get this setting Choke ader ear J Fig 12 on fast idle lever should contact ear K and chokevalve with throttle in wideqen position Bend ear J ttast this setting Fig 11 Schematic Views of Code 10 33 bw etor 1 Choh Vdve 2 Float l2hembeoVent 3 Mafn Dfsr 4 g f i pd e22 5 Idle Alr Bl...

Страница 17: ...used on 1938 models 1601 and 1602 Completeservicing instructions will be foundon page 60 of the 16th Series Shop Manual Star Motor The Auto Lite MAW 4018 stMng mobr i s fiftdt a the front face of theflmheelhousingon the left side of tlieen It iscontrolledby 9 magnetic lay switch on top of the stardng mota operated bya r q o k button an the instrument board T h e m e r e9uipped vifi ha Ben sh3tirlg...

Страница 18: ...lexatorTreadle Ewes Circuit Breaker in Fig 17 It protects the lighter heater etc respectively the tail lamp Iine near the light switch a asma8afeguarcliof the aiI lahp circuit 34 the tail lamp fu w blows the istm ent 1igh t is extipgyiphd Cbck and radio are pm twted by mate 2 ampere and 64 a re f u respectively These are 1ocata h the f e d wire to each unit YELLOW DIMMER BWPfCH WIIITE BPEEDOMWP OR...

Страница 19: ...s lh reeus the gap bend the side elec be nev5 r ken e c cwer el9 5 bode as this hay crackor brh thei rist latc pis h u m b and ioger leverage is v a t t o T tha 10 min SpakkPlug8 Light Bulhs rn Cmih M4da Lorario pbwe fro Frant lamp 322 2330 L Front pafking lamp 55 Front fender l m p 1 55 Instrument board panel light 1 55 Qock and glove compartment light 1 M 55 Instrumt board reading light 1 55 Bea...

Страница 20: ...Id be within the limits of112 to 120 lbs when compress4 to a length of I inches Transmission sliding gears are selectively fitted and should be marked before dismantling to insure reinstallation in origid pasifion Countershaft cluster should fit in case with no perceptible end CIutch shaft and mainshaft universal joint flange splinek should be eoated with LubripIate or equivalent when assembling F...

Страница 21: ...aaiikd to a 105 ta 01 spread df the beafiog support pedetals To adjubt spfe got follows Loosen each sidebearing capjust slightly h e nb 6fkbe r t hand viewed frbm re bearing adjustingnut unti1king g f pount W loose inbe xings Make sue tha left hand adjust nut backed at farenoughtoprov ome backlashbetween r i n g d nim w Uwg a largeoutside per anda 010 feler blade calrfieff rn 0 capbassto the nther...

Страница 22: ... a t neei link of frank wheels should be 19M inches above a level door or rack Ering fraae to this height by hading the car and vamg the tire ihflation press f er is changed by installing the proper Pa tapered him betweenforward end of torquea m and the lower strphort arm a t Cl in Fig 32 Shims of on halfand one degree are a jiiIable Caution After making a caster correction make certain thgt the t...

Страница 23: ... bottom limit o f travel If inore than 24 pr less than 18 seconds a ordinaryxoom temperature are required adjust to this specification by turning vdve V Fig 36 i n or out as needed Correct any slight leaks around valve by tightehing the packing nut N Shokk Akm D a p e r The friction damper built into ea front shmk ab xber arm i s mr rectl d j u d d when theself lockingaut N WkbBi fimedthk haif m a...

Страница 24: ...r Mesh Turn steering wheel to high spot or mid position Move crossshaft leverback and forth in direction of normal rotation to determineamqunt o f backlash If any backlash exists at this time a mesh adjustment wiI1 be necessary Execution of this adjustment requir remqkal of the cross shaft from gear housing althougl removal of the gear assembly from the car i the procedure preferred by some mechan...

Страница 25: ...w removal of wheels and includes adjustment of hand br 1 Jack up all 4 cornersdf car and removewheels and inspectioncovers from drum and backingplates Remove clevii pin A from each hand brake pull cable Remove dack from hand lever to equalizer cable by turning the clevis at equalizer end of cable Apply hand britke lever one notch 2 Execute a and bn adji ni ntsk t eachwheel a Insert a old inch fe l...

Страница 26: ... thebleeding operatiqn should not be used again Chek flwlevel i33m t e r cylinder reservoir after bleeding each cylinder and 6eBI if 1 than half full R e f e r to Fig 40 The mwef wlindw primary cup Fig 41 must clear the by pass port when thepiston is in reIeased position If cup does not clear the port e corirp x ng actipn s f the master ylinder will be destr ped a d the braked 1d r g a f t e r s e...

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