Pacific Hoists Pty Ltd
Australia: +61 2 8825 6900
New Zealand: +64 9263 5566
It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure Lever Blocks are maintained and tested
in accordance with AS1418.2.
Only authorised personnel should undertake repairs and testing on lifting equipment
Keep load chains lubricated
Always check the operation of the brake before starting to move a load
Brakes must be kept free of oil and grease
Safety latches should be free of defect and move freely with proper fitment to the hook
If any of the following defects are evident, the Lever Block should be referred to an
authorised or competent person for a more thorough examination, servicing and testing:
Evidence of possible wear to hooks and fittings; damaged or distorted chain end anchor;
chain wear including bends, notches, elongations, corrosion, not hanging freely or twisted;
load slipping, jamming or will not lift; damaged covers; illegible markings: bent operating
handles or other obvious damage
Molybond TSG-01005880
Shafts and bearings
Shell Retinax EP-04391003
Load chain
CRC 5037 Lithium -00549423