The DTP-80 rapidly transfers heat by contact and typically allows component
removal at relatively low temperatures in the 288 - 343°C (550 - 650°F) range. Tip
temperature and removal times will vary with each application. PACE recommends
the use of a 316°C (600°F) tip temperature setting for initial use in any particular
application. With practice, many components can be removed at lower
temperatures. Use the lowest possible tip temperature that will provide rapid, yet
controlled solder reflow. Lower temperatures extend tip and heater life, allow solder
to remain on the lower surfaces of the tip (to improve thermal linkage between the
tip and the component during component removal) and help prevent possible board
Refer to the Tip & Temperature Selection System booklet for your particular
handpiece/tip combination. For all Dial Display SensaTemp systems, the booklet
will indicate the correct Dial Settings for the True Tip Temperature. On systems
incorporating a Digital Readout, set the desired operating temperature and Tip Offset
Constant for the DTP-80 handpiece/tip combination into the channel powering the