HP Series winches are confi gured for bed mount on a
truck with the motor end to the passenger side of the ve-
hicle and the wire rope overwound on the drum. Any other
installation arrangement will require modifi cations to the
winch before installation.
Headache racks or other protective structures designed
to protect the winch, truck, cab, and vehicle occupants
should be designed to enable easy access and servic-
ing of the winch. Braden recommends using a structure
designed to be easily removed should the need arise to
disassemble the winch for servicing.
1. A tank line for the hydraulic motor case drain is required
from the shift block tee fi tting on the two-speed motor
or from the motor case drain port on the single speed
motor. Size the tank line so that backpressure in the
line is below the limits given in note number six below.
2. The winch must be mounted to a fl at, rigid surface
which will not fl ex under load. The mounting surface
must be fl at within .020 in. (.05 mm) between mount-
ing fasteners. If necessary, use shim stock to ensure
proper mounting.
3. The centerline of the cable drum must be horizontal
and mounted perpendicular to the direction of pull. The
fl eet angle, or the angle created from an imaginary line
from the center of the cable drum to the load or fi rst
sheave and from this load point back to the drum bar-
rel intersection with the drum fl ange, must not exceed
1½°. Fleet angles in excess of 1½° will create uneven
spooling resulting in rapid drum or wire rope wear.
4. Grade 8, or better, fasteners are recommended for
mounting fasteners.
5. The winch base angles must be mounted securely to
the vehicle frame in a manner acceptable to the ve-
hicle manufacturer. Any frame adapter brackets used
should be bolted to the winch base angles as close to
the gear housing and bearing leg assemblies as pos-
sible. This will ensure the greatest strength while mini-
mizing distortion. Consult vehicle manufacturer before
making any modifi cations to the vehicle frame.
6. Hydraulic lines and components to operate the winch
should be of suffi cient size as to minimize the back-
pressure at the hydraulic motor work ports.
For conventional gear type motors, backpressure at
full fl ow should NOT exceed 100 PSI (690 kPa) for
maximum motor shaft seal life. If high backpressures
are encountered, the motor case drain can be con-
nected direct to the reservoir. For backpressures in
excess of 100 PSI (690 kPa), contact PACCAR Winch
Division Technical Support.
Winches equipped with Rineer 2-speed vane type or
piston type motors MUST be limited to 35 PSI (240
kPa) backpressure.
7. The winch directional control valve MUST be a three-
position, four-way valve without detents and with a
spring-centered motor spool, such that the valve re-
turns to the center (Neutral) position whenever the
handle is released, and both work ports are opened to
tank (open center, open port).
8. The hydraulic oil fi lter should have a 10 micron nomi-
nal rating and be a full-fl ow type.
9. High quality hydraulic oil is essential for satisfactory
performance and long hydraulic system component
Hydraulic oils having a viscosity of 150 – 300 SUS @
100°F (30 – 56 cSt @ 40°C) and a viscosity index (VI)
of 100 or greater will provide good results under normal
temperature condition. The use of oil having a high VI will
minimize cold start-up problems and reduce the length of
warm-up periods. A high VI will also minimize changes in
viscosity with corresponding changes in temperature.
For MAGNUM series winches equipped with
Rineer vane type hydraulic motors, the hydraulic oil se-
lected MUST remain above 100 SUS @ 100°F (20 cSt @
40°C) at all operating temperatures.
Flexing or uneven mounting surfaces will produce in-
ternal winch distortion which may result in rapid com-
ponent wear, overheating, poor winch performance
or an improperly engaged drum clutch which may be-
come disengaged and result in dropped loads or loss
of load control causing property damage, severe injury
or death.
use a control valve with any detents or latch-
ing mechanism that will hold the control valve in an ac-
tuated or running position when the operator releases
the control lever. Use of the wrong type of control valve
could lead to unintentional operation of the winch, which
could result in property damage, injury or death.
Failure to install a case drain line will result in a blown
out shaft seal on the hydraulic motor and the winch will
fi ll with hydraulic oil.
Содержание BRADEN HP125B
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