Air Filter
Wash the foam element in soapy water and let dry.
Pour a small amount of oil on the foam element then squeeze out, but do
not wring out, excess oil. Foam element should be damp, but not dripping.
Checking Muffler and Spark Arrestor
• Remove screws, then remove the muffler cover as shown.
Loosen bolt, thenremove muffler cap, mufflerscreen, andspark.
Check the muffler screen and spark for carbon deposits. Remove carbon deposits with a wire brush.
Check the muffler screen and spark for damage. If damaged replace with P1PE replacement parts
Install the spark. Align the spark projection with the hole in the muffler pipe.
• Install the outer casing and tighten the screws.
Do not run the generator without reinstalling the foam element or excessive piston and
cylinder wear may result.
• Allow hot parts to cool before touching.
Avoid contacting hot areas of this unit.