MAN 9062071 EN V4
P. Lindberg A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 1
Tel.: +45 70212626
6600 Vejen, Denmark
E-mail: [email protected]
All technical inspections and maintenance should be done with the engine turned off
and the spark plug cap removed from the spark plug.
Maintenance plan
Engine oil
The oil level must be checked each time
before the machine is used. Top up as
needed. The engine oil must be changed
after the first 5 operating hours and then
once a year.
Air filter
Clean and replace as needed.
Rotor- and wheel bearings
Check regularly.
Grease nipples on rotor
Lubricate the two grease nipples once a year
or for every 500-operating hour.
Checking and filling the engine oil level