Step 1
On the fly close windows, awnings and doors.
Release guy ropes and Posibrace™ Velcro™ tab
points that attach the fly to the poles and unhook
all base hooks. Disconnect and remove the rear Halo
pole from the fly.
Step 2
Remove the fly from the tent. Lay fly flat on ground
and fold fly in half, third or quarters. The width of
the folded fly should be the length of the pole bag,
see Figure 14.
Step 3
Unzip the doors and windows, collapse the tent
by removing and disassembling the poles in the
reverse order of the assembly instructions. Place
the poles in the pole carry bag and tie shut.
Step 4
Remove pegs with a claw hammer or peg puller.
Do not remove pegs from the ground by pulling
on tent base as this may cause damage to the tent.
Step 5
Spread the tent out flat with all loose fabric folded
within the edges of the tent base. Try to flatten the
tent as much as possible.
Step 6
Fold the tent in half, third or quarters. The width
of the folded tent should be the length of the pole
bag, see Figure 14.
In severe conditions the tent should be dismantled
Disassembly Instructions
Never store your tent damp or dirty. If you
have no choice to return home from your
camping trip with a damp or dirty tent,
make sure you lay it out to air in a cool, dry
and shaded place as soon as possible and
only pack it away when it is completely dry
and clean.
Figure 14
Figure 13
Step 8
Once the tent bundle is rolled up, tie the straps
around it and place into the tent carry bag
with peg bag, instruction booklet and other
miscellaneous parts. If the tent won’t fit into
carry bag, unroll and roll again more tightly.
Step 7
Lay the folded fly over the folded inner tent.
Beginning at the back portion of the Fly and
inner tent bundle roll forward firmly allowing
trapped air to escape. It may help to use the bag
of tent poles as a rolling pin ensuring the tent
edges are kept straight as you roll.
Fold tent into a
rectangular shape
Front of tent
The width of the tent
should not exceed the
length of the pole bag