USER MANUAL Model No: 3826
1. Slide a curved pole with handle into the upper curved pole,
ensuring that you put in the correct end (the furthest from the
handle) and align the holes in both the curved pole with handle
and the upper curved pole. Secure these together using a screw
for each hole (as seen in the image above. Repeat this step on
the opposite side of the upper curved pole. Please see the image
to the right to see what the ab roller should look like after this
2. Push the head rest support pole into the other end of the
curved pole with handle, ensuring that it goes as far as
possible and that the holes in both the head rest support pole
and the curved pole with handle are aligned. Secure the head
rest support pole into place using two small screws (as seen in
the image above). Repeat this with the opposite pole. Please
see the image to the left to see what the ab roller should look
like after this step.