Dimensions, meter:
98 mm diameter, hight 36 mm
Dimensions, meter: Dia. 58 mm, height 110 mm + cable gland
Cable Length:
Standard 3 m. other on request
Operating Conditions:
Probe: -5 to +45° C, meter -20 to +60°C.
Encapsulation (meter):
Short-term immersion proof to 5m depth.
Display: Graphical LCD display. Variable backlight.
Parameters measured:
Oxygen partial pressure, total dissolved gas
Oxygen Probe Type:
Galvanic cell, self polarizing, self temperature
Self-check of:
Probe function, meter function, cable, battery
Useful battery life:
35 days with 20 measurements per day (2
minutes “on” time per measurement)
Accessories included:
Storage pouch, DO probe membranes with
o-rings & electrolyte, cathode cleaning pad.
Parametre displayed:
A) “Show Oxygen” mode:
In this mode the Handy TGP displays:
DO in mg/l, range 0-60.0 ppm (mg/l)
DO in % sat, range 0-600% saturation
Accuracy depends on calibration accuracy. Typically better than +/- 1% of
measured value +/- 1 digit within the standard range.
Repeatability typically better than +/- 0.5% of measured value.
DO measurement automatically compensated for temperature and barome-
tric pressure. Manual salinity compensation between 0-59 salinity.
Temperature, range -5 to +45° C, ac/- 0.2°C.