Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd
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Figure 10. Wiring diagram for original RT-Range with an RT-XLAN
Note: Connections not relevant to the RT-XLAN are not shown in this diagram. The RT connections
shown are for an RT3000 / RT4000 unit. With an RT2002, the RT-Range connections are made
directly to the front panel of the RT2002 instead of through the 14C0038A user cable.
There are no user configuration options on the RT-XLAN. However, it is important to make sure that
each unit is compatible with the other units in the environment. There are several items to consider.
Each RT-XLAN will have a label showing its configuration.
The RT-
XLAN labelled “Base” should be used on the Hunter vehicle.
The RT-
XLAN labelled “Client” should be used on the Target vehicle.
There cannot be two RT-XLAN base units in the same environment.
There must be one RT-XLAN base unit. The RT-XLAN client units will not communicate with
each other unless there is a base present.
Each RT-XLAN has an IP address. All the units being used must have different IP addresses.
Normally the IP address will be in the range from to It is possible to
order different IP addresses from OxTS. This IP address range should not conflict with the
recommended IP addresses with other OxTS equipment.
The RT-XLAN will be configured for use in a specific country. Different licensing laws require
different frequencies to be used in different countries. RT-XLAN units from one country cannot
be used automatically with RT-XLAN units from another country.
It is possible to change the configuration in the field but it is necessary to contact OxTS support for
information on how to do this. If any configuration is changed then, as best practice, make sure the
stickers on the outside of the RT-XLAN are changed to reflect the configuration changes made.