Wipe off your log splitter with a damp cloth periodically
to keep it free from debris.
The splitting wedge may need to be sharpened
periodically, just using a file.
The electric log splitter should be stored in an upright,
vertical position.
Store in a dry location.
Store in a safe location where the machine will not get
knocked over.
It should be transported in an upright, vertical position.
It should be strapped securely.
7. Wiring
Check the wiring connections before the motor is started
The motor can be started only when the wiring connection
is made in accordance with the wiring diagram given on the
terminal box
If want to change direction of the motor you
may see the wiring diagram to change connection method
of the connection strip that may change the direction.
IV. Maintenance of the Motors
1.Daily Cleaning
The motor in use should always be kept clean. No water
drops or cotton should be allowed to get into the interior
of the motors
2. Check on Load Current
While the motor is in operation, constant care should be
taken to keep the Ioad current below the rated value
3. Running Sound
During operation of the motor there must be needed no
rubbing sound shrike and other random noise, you should
stop the motor in time and begin to start it again only after
correction has been done
Temperature of the bearings should be below 95 C when
the motor is running