The Fiber OWL is a high accuracy, high resolution, microprocessor controlled, optical power meter. The meter has a wide dynamic
range making it ideal for both single and multi-mode fiber testing.
It has an attractive handheld case made from high impact Valox plastic, a large, backlit, graphic, liquid crystal display, and 18-key
keypad for easy data entry. The universal fiber adapter accepts both ST, SC, and FC connectors. It will operate for over 200 hrs on a
standard 9v battery and has built in auto shutdown.
The Fiber OWL includes a built-in link wizard that helps you easily calculate the allowable loss for the fiber runs that you will be
measuring. The meter stores physical fiber information for up to eight links. Link information includes: link name, date, fiber type, fiber
length, connectors, splices, temperature, and calculated or entered reference power values for six wavelengths. In addition the meter
will store up to 900 measured data points with labels. Each value includes the fiber type and link.
The stored information can be selectively viewed, edited (measured again), printed, or deleted. The meter will print formatted reports
of selected stored data directly using the built in serial port, or all of the stored data can be downloaded to a computer spreadsheet or
our free OWL Reporter software to produce professional-looking formatted certification reports.
The Fiber OWL can be used for several applications. A listing of these applications and their descriptions follows:
Attenuation Measurements
- After a fiber cable has been installed and terminated, it must be tested to determine if the fiber is
installed according to standards and specifications. A comparison of the actual power measurement and the reference value
determines if the installation will PASS or FAIL.
Fiber Network Certification Using Various Cabling Standards
- The Fiber OWL uses a loss wizard that is used for fiber certification
against several cabling standards. The user is prompted to choose a standard, which allows the Fiber OWL to calculate a certification
reference value for that standard and store it in the meter. As the user stores data points in the meter using the loss wizard, the actual
power level of the link is also stored. The data is then downloaded into our OWL Reporter software, where the actual power value is
compared to the reference value. Certification reports can be printed out with details or summaries of the fibers being certified.
Fiber Continuity Testing
- Continuity can be measured with the Fiber OWL by placing a calibrated light source on one end of the fiber
and the Fiber OWL on the other end. This is also a simple way to measure the attenuation of the fiber.
Patch Cord Testing
- Fiber links that are producing incorrect results may have bad patch cords. The Fiber OWL can be used to test the
attenuation of a patch cord to see if it is usable, or should be thrown out.
Active Equipment Optical Power Measurements
- Active equipment needs to be measured periodically for correct power levels
and stability. The transmitters in this equipment have a known power value. The Fiber OWL can be directly attached to this equipment
via a patch cord to check whether the transmitter is stable and is within the manufacturer’s specified power range.