OUTPUT - This sets the final output level post blend.
IN - Master bypass for both channels of the Saturator NT-02A.
The Low cut filter resonance can be driven into self oscillation at high settings (7+), and
depending on the gain and frequency will create very LOUD tones! Setting the RES just
on the verge of feedback and then tuning it to the source can make musically related
harmonics and sustain, super fun. Lower RES settings can be tuned to kicks and basses
for thick low boosts.
The Saturator has several gain stages in series, each with different characteristics.
In order of signal flow, the stages are:
1. BOOST - Fixed gain amplifier to provide clean gain to overdrive whatever amps
follow, similar to using a clean boost pedal to overdrive a tube amp. Also engages a
pad after the GAIN amp.
2. SATURATION - Amp stage with the greatest harmonic distortion and soft clipping.
Can be subtle (tapping the LED above it) for thickening and warming, to extreme
3. GAIN - Provides clean gain, but can be overdriven, especially used in conjunction
with BOOST.
4. SHAPE 3 - Activates a pre and post emphasis filter and adds 3rd harmonic saturation
circuit. The pre emphasis is inserted before the BOOST stage, so engaging this shapes
the response of all preceding stages. The amount of harmonics is determined by the
signal level, (the GAIN control). The LED to the right of blend indicates the soft clip
point of shape 3)
We find experimenting with each stage individually to start can be helpful. SHAPE 3
changes the response of all the stages, so SATURATION will respond differently
whether SHAPE 3 is in or out. This can be easily heard by running a full bandwidth
signal through like a drum loop, set the SATURATION until there is clipping, then
engage SHAPE 3. The low frequency content will be retained with SHAPE 3 in, and the
harmonics will be shifted upwards in frequency.
The most subtle mode, and sometimes the most useful when we are just looking to
make things bigger and thicker is to start with only SHAPE 3 engaged, and adjust the
GAIN starting at 0 control to taste. The LED to the right of blend indicates the soft clip
point, so starting here and inching up there is a wide sweet spot of soft clipping and
compression without distortion. Match peak levels to the bypassed signal to see how it
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