2.2 The main screen
The figure 2.2.1 show the main screen; this screen appears after a short presentation when the user powers on the
amplifier. In the first line, after power on, the writing "WAIT" appears; if the system parameters are normal, the writing
are replaced with "READY". During the normal operation the controller monitors the system parameters. If a
paramenter is out of range, the correspondent code error is written on the LCD meter of the relative channel in the
third line; if the abnormal parameter is associated to both channel, the error code is written in the center.
2 Setup and settings
2.1 Introduction
The figure below shows the front panel of Outline T Series. The front panel controls, in conjuction with the graphic LCD
display above the buttons, give to the user the total control and detailed information about the status of the amplifier.
Each pushbutton has multiple functions and the display shows the current active function for each button.
Read carefully the instructions below that help you to manage the functions of the amplifier.
figure 2.1.1
The LED bars can function as output voltage or output current meters; in the first case the LCD meters function as
output current meter, viceversa in the second case.
The LED bars have diagnostic function also; a flashing yellow LED indicates a critic range of temperature (from 80°C
to 85°C)of the power devices on the corresponding channel, if this LED is lighting constantly, the temperature is above
85°C. A lighting constantly red LED indicates that the corresponding channel is under protection and in this case the
writing "PROT" appears in the first line of the display.
The first green LED at the bottom side of the LED bar indicates,
when lighted, the presence of input audio signal above -60 dBV on the corresponding channel; the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
LED in the ascending order indicates an output level of -3dB, -6dB and -10dB rispectively. The green LEDs will be
lighted during normal working. The yellow LED will light at -1 dB. If the level of the audio signal reach the channel
output capability, red LED will be triggered.
lock mute mute menu
figure 2.2.1
A - Ethernet plug n° 1
B - Ethernet plug n° 2
C - V/I-meter channel n° 1
D - Smartcard reader
E - Function button n° 1
F - Function button n° 2
G - Function button n° 3
H - Function button n° 4
I - Graphic LCD display
J - V/I meter channel n° 2
K - Power switch
L - Grill filter screws
Professional amplifiers
T Series
Outline s.r.l. - Via Leonardo da Vinci, 56 - 25020 Flero (Brescia) - Italy
Tel. +39-30-3581341 Fax +39-30-3580431 — Web Site: www.outline.it E-Mail: [email protected]