Refer to the photograph to help when pitching your CompactAirLite 420
1. Spread the flysheet out on the
ground next to your caravan with
the cowl side laying parallel to your
3. Peg down the rear pads at the
back of the awning against the cara-
van using the adjustable pegging
points. This keeps the awning in
place whilst you inflate it. You may
need to re-adjust them afterwards.
4. Before inflating any of the AirFrame
Tubes make sure the Dynamic Speed
Valve quick release buttons are
pressed out. This makes sure the air
will be held inside the AirFrame tube.
2. Take the awning piping and slide it
through the caravan awning channel
until the awning is in the desired
position on the vehicle. We
recommend someone else holding the
flysheet up whilst you do this.
9. Next, find the three individual Air Tube
Spacers and again make sure the Dynamic
Speed Valve quick release button is out.
Inflate the three individual Air Tube
Spacers until you can give them a good
5. Next, attach the pump to the first of the
four Dynamic Speed Valves and begin to
carefully inflate - taking care that no part
of the fabric is caught anywhere.
7. Repeat steps five and six with
the other three AirFrame Tubes. Then
replace the caps and cover with the
Velcro sleeve neatly to ensure the
valve is covered.
8. Peg out and tension the front of the awn-
ing. Use the adjustable pegging straps to ten-
sion the awning as you desire. Make sure you
don’t over tension the fabric. If a door zip is
too tight, release some tension before
closing, never force the zip.
6. Inflate the AirFrame until you can give it a
good squeeze. The tube needs to have room
inside for air to expand. Don’t worry if you do
keep inflating - the Intelligent Frame will re-
lease any excess air. (Please note the Intelli-
gent Frame is set to a limit of 5.5psi before it
will release air).