GPS NE PRO PC software
Your GPS Watch comes with PC software. This software is compatible with the following operating system:
Windows XP SP 1, 2, 3
Windows Vista SP 1, 2
Windows 2000 SP 4
You can use the software to view and analyze your data.
Follow this quick start guide to download your data to the PC after your exercises. Use GPS NE Pro PC software that comes
with your GPS Watch.
How to download your data to PC:
Follow the easy steps below.
Install the GPS NE PRO PC software to your PC. Follow the prompts of the installation wizard and click finish to
finish the installation. You only need to install the PC software once. If the software is already installed on your PC,
go directly to step 2.
Double click on the GPS NE PRO icon on your desktop to run the application. A Welcome window will open in your
Connect the USB charging clip/ Data cable to the GPS Watch. Make sure the four pins in the USB cable is properly
aligned to the four metal contacts at the back of the GPS Watch.
Connect the USB charging clip/ Data cable to the PC. The GPS Watch will display CHARGE 90% if there is no
communication yet between the PC and the GPS Watch. The 90% is the charge level of the battery. It will display
PC LINK once the communication has started.
Click on the download button in the GPS NE PRO software.
The PC software will prompt you to download the data. Click on the Download button.
The PC software will prompt you to delete all data from the GPS Watch. Click YES if you want all the data in the
GPS Watch deleted. Click NO if you do not want to delete all data (Recommended).