background image



and  documents  that  confirm  the  fact  and  date  of  the 

contract of retail purchase. In the absence of such doc-

uments, warranty period is calculated from the date of 

manufacture of goods. It should be taken into account:


Setup and Installation (assembly, the connection, etc.) of 

the product described in the documentation attached to 

it, does not enter the scope of warranty OURSSON AG 

and can be performed by the user as well as the special-

ists of most authorized service centers on a paid basis.


Work upon maintenance of products (cleaning and 

lubricating the moving parts, replacement of consum-

ables and supplies, etc.) are made on a paid basis.

7.  OURSSON AG is not responsible for any damage direct-

ly or indirectlycaused by their products to people, pets, 

property, if it occurred as a result ofnon-observance of 

the rules and conditions of use, storage, transportation 

or installation of the product, intentional or negligent ac-

tions of consumer or third parties.


Under no circumstances, OURSSON AG is not respon-

sible for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential 

loss or damage, including but not limited to: lost profits, 

damages caused by interruptions in the commercial, 

industrial or other activities, arising from the use of or 

inability to use the product.

9.  Due to continuous product improvement, design ele-

ments and some technical specifications are subject to 

change without prior notice from the manufacturer.

Using the product when after the terms of use (lifetime):

1.  Lifetime set by OURSSON AG for this product applies 

only when the product is used exclusively for personal, 

family or household needs, as well as the consumer ob-

serves the correct operation, storage and transportation 

of products. Under thecondition of careful handling of the 

product and compliance with the rules of operation the 

actual life may exceed the lifetime set by OURSSON AG. 

2.  At the end of the product lifetime, you should contact 

an authorized service center for to conduct a preventive 

maintenance of the product and determine the suita-

bilityfor further use. Work on conducting a preventive 

maintenance of the products is also made in service 

centers on paid basis.

3.  OURSSON AG does not recommend the use of this 

product after the end of its lifetime without its preven-

tive maintenance by the authorized service center, since 

inthis case, the product can be dangerous to the life, 

health or property of the consumer.

Product Recycling and Disposal

This appliance has been identified in accordance with the 

European directive 2002/96/EG on Waste Electrical and 

Electronic Equipment – WEEE.

After the expiration of the lifetime, the product cannot be 

disposed with another household waste. Instead, it shall be de-

posited in the appropriate recycling collection point for electrical 

and electronic equipment for proper treatment and disposal 

in accordance with federal or local law. By dispos-

ing correctly this product, you will help to conserve 

natural resources and preventing the product from 

damaging the environment and human health. For 

more information on the collection point and recycling 

of this product, please contact your local municipal 

authorities or the enterprise for household waste disposal.

Date of manufacture

Each product has a unique serial number in the form of 

alphanumeric row and is duplicated with a barcode that 

contains the following information: name of the product 

group, date of manufacture, serial number of the product.

Serial number is located on the rear of the product, on the 

package and the warranty card. 

 The first two letters-correspondence to the product 

group (Toaster – TO).

 The first two digits – year of manufacture.
 The second two digits – month of manufacture.
 The last two digits – serial number of product.

To avoid misunderstandings, we highly rec-

ommend you to read carefully the instruction 

manual and the warranty obligations. Check the 

correctness of the warranty card. Warranty card 

is valid only if the following are correctly and 

clearly stated: model, serial number, date of 

purchase, clear stamps, buyer’s signature. The 

serial number and the model of the device must 

be the same as in the warranty card. If these 

conditions are not fulfilled or the data specified 

in the warranty card was changed, the warranty 

card is invalid.




1 2 3



Made in China

If you have questions or problems with OURSSON AG products – please contact us by e-mail: 

[email protected]
This manual is under protection of international and EU copyright law. Any unauthorized use of the instructions, including cop-

ying, printing and distribution, but not limited to, involves the application of the guilty person to civil liability and criminal liability.
Contact information:


Manufacturer of goods - OURSSON AG (Orson AG) Rue du Grand-Chêne 5, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland.


Certification information product available on the website

Содержание Provence TO2104

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Страница 7: Verbindung stehen Batterien Mit dem Produkt gelieferte H llen Kordeln Tragekordeln und Gurte Befestigungszubeh r Werkzeuge Dokumentation 5 Die Garantie deckt keine Defekte ab die durch falsche Nut...

Страница 8: ...s darstellen kann Recycling und Entsorgung Dieses Ger t erf llt die Vorgaben der europ ischen Direktive 2002 96 EG zu elektrischen und elektronischen Altger ten WEEE Nach Ende seiner Einsatzzeit darf...

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Страница 10: ...oaster in bread roast ing mode without bread setting the roasting level to 7 Repeat the procedure for 2 3 times Then let the device to cool Order of operation Pic C 1 Make sure that the tray is instal...

Страница 11: ...products Batteries Cases straps cords for carrying mounting accesso ries tools documentation that came with the product 5 Warranty does not cover defects caused due to violations of the rules of consu...

Страница 12: the product can be dangerous to the life health or property of the consumer Product Recycling and Disposal This appliance has been identified in accordance with the European directive 2002 96 EG...

Страница 13: ...esorios incluidos junto con el producto No permita que el cable el ctrico entre en con tacto con agua u otros l quidos para protegerse del riesgo de descarga el ctrica Si por cual quier raz n penetrar...

Страница 14: ...tostar rebanadas de pan congelado USO Panel de control Fig B 4 use este bot n para iniciar detener el proceso de tueste use este bot n para seleccionar el modo REHEAT RECALENTADO use este bot n para...

Страница 15: ...correas de transporte accesorios de montaje herramientas documentaci n adjunta al producto 5 La garant a no cubre los efectos causados por los incum plimientos de las reglas de uso por parte del consu...

Страница 16: ...e du Grand Ch ne 5 1003 Lausanne Suiza 2 Informaci n de certificaci n del producto disponible en el sitio web www oursson com garant a original y los documentos que confirmen la fecha de compra del ap...

Страница 17: ...ction contre les risques d lec trocution ne trempez pas le c ble de l appareil dans de l eau ou dans tout autre liquide Si pour certaines raisons de l eau p n tre dans l ap pareil veuillez contacter u...

Страница 18: ...Mise en route Avant la premi re utilisation mettez le grille pain en marche au mode grille pain sans pain et r glez le niveau de grille 7 R p tez la proc dure 2 ou 3 fois Ensuite laissez l appareil re...

Страница 19: ...teries Les bo tes les sangles les c bles de levage les acces soires de montage les outils et la documentation livr s avec le produit 5 La garantie ne couvre pas les d fauts caus s en violations des r...

Страница 20: ...mations de contacts 1 Fabricant OURSSON AG Orson AG Rue du Grand Ch ne 5 1003 Lausanne Suisse 2 Informations sur la certification du produit disponibles sur le site www oursson com certificat de garan...

Страница 21: ...a elettrica Se per qualsiasi ragione dovesse entrare dell acqua all interno dell unit contattare un centro di assistenza autorizzato ASC OURSSON AG Per l alimentazione utilizzare solo una rete elettri...

Страница 22: ...tura Iniziare Prima del primo utilizzo accendere il tostapane in modalit tostatura pane ma senza pane impostando il livello a 7 Ripetere la procedura per 2 3 volte Quindi lasciar raffreddare il dispos...

Страница 23: ...stodie cinghie cavi per il trasporto accessori di montaggio strumenti documentazione allegata al prodotto 5 La garanzia non copre i difetti causati da violazione delle norme di utilizzo conservazione...

Страница 24: ...lla certificazione dei prodotti sono disponibili sul sito web www oursson com l avvenuto contratto di acquisto e la data In assenza di tali documenti il periodo di garanzia calcolato a partire dalla d...

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Страница 27: ...8 183 1 04 http www oursson com rus ru about partners certificates tab0 20 C OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON www ours son ru OURSSON AG OURSSON AG info oursson ru OURSSON Ag 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURS...

Страница 28: ...28 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 6 OURSSON AG 7 OURSSON AG 8 OURSSON AG 9 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 2 3 OURSSON AG 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE...

Страница 29: ...29 TO1910011234567 1 2 3 4 TO OURSSON AG OURSSON AG support oursson com 1 OURSSON AG Orson AG Rue du Grand Ch ne 5 1003 2 www oursson com...

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Страница 31: ...a na 7 Powt rz operacj 2 3 razy Nast pnie odstaw urz dzenie do ostygni cia Kolejno czynno ci 1 Upewnij si e taca jest prawid owo w o ona W wtyczk urz dzenia do gniazdka zasilaj cego 2 W pieczywo do ot...

Страница 32: zak adana i nie wymaga rozmontowywania produktu Baterie Etui paski paski do noszenia akcesoria monta owe na rz dzia dokumentacja dostarczane wraz z produktem 5 Gwarancja nie obejmuje uszkodze powst...

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Страница 34: ...aparatul n condi ii de umidita te ridicat n cazul n care apa p trunde n interiorul aparatului contacta i un centru de service autorizat OURSSON Sursa de curent i voltajul trebuie s corespund cu datel...

Страница 35: ...ntru a selecta gradul de pr jire Valoarea minim 1 pu in peste uscat maxim 7 prajit p n devine maro Valorile disponibile pentru selec ie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig 3 4 Face i clic pe p rghie pentru a ncepe pr j...

Страница 36: ...cazul n care defectul produsului este urmare a uti liz rii de echipamente accesorii piese de schimb de calitate proast sau neconforme 6 Defectele produsului ap rute n perioada folosirii sunt reparate...

Страница 37: ...rii Fiec rui produs i este atribuit un num r de serie unic n form alfanumeric dublat de codul de bare care con ine urm toarele informa ii numele grupului de produse data fabric rii num rul de serie al...

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Страница 42: ...42 TO1910011234567 1 2 3 4 8 OURSSON AG 9 1 OURSSON AG OURSSON AG 2 3 OURSSON AG 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE...

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