OLIMEX© 2015
MOD-IO2 user's manual
- Changing the I2C address – if you use more than one MOD-IO2 (available since MOD-IO2's
firmware revision 3.02)
./modio2tool -B 0 -x 15
-B 0
– sets the board to use its hardware I2C #0 (typically either “0”, “1”, or “2”)
-x 15 – “x” is used to change the I2C address of the board; “15” is the desired number – it is
different from the default “0x21”.
Expected result: the board would have new I2C address and you would need to specify it with -A
0xXX if you wish to use the modio2tools in future.
For more information refer to the help returned by modio2tools or to modio2tools's source code.
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