Manufacturers of Medical and Health Care Equipment
The Liftwell Bed Leaver
Bed Rail is designed as an aid to help clients independently move
themselves into a sitting position and to assist when leaving or entering a divan/domestic bed.
It is suitable for all bed sizes from single to kingsize.
All OTS Bed Rail products exceed the relevant sections (Dimensions of side rails/grab
handles) of European Standard BSEN1970: 2000
Wooden base frame (ply board & hardwood end block)
Steel 'U' shaped handle coated in white
Two self tapping screws (No.10 x 1") to secure handle
BEDL200 only - Green strap kit (two very long straps and two short straps) plus two
smaller screws
Bed Leaver
Bed Rail assembly instructions
Remove the items from the packaging and check you have all the parts before assembling.
Where use of a screwdriver is described, it is recommended that a hand screwdriver, or a
powered screwdriver on a very low torque setting is used; a powered screwdriver may apply
too much torque, potentially damaging the screw thread.
1) Remove the plastic bag that contains screws for the handle.
2) Place wooden base frame on a bench, table or clean floor surface ready to insert 'U'
shaped handle.Turn the device onto its side so you can see the two larger counter sunk holes
on the inner face of the end block. These are where you will screw through to secure the
handle to the main board.
3) Take the 'U' shaped handle and, ensuring that the two holes at the leg-ends are facing
towards the two holes on the inner face of hardwood block, push the legs into the two large
socket holes on top side of board until fully pushed down to the bottom of the socket.
4) Tilt the board over to check that holes in white handle can be seen through the larger
counter-sunk holes in hardwood ready to receive screws.
5) Turn the screws fully home until the screw-heads are firmly seated in countersinks.
6) To ensure that the device is assembled correctly, look at the fixing areas and check to
ensure a good safe fit by pulling gently upwards on the looped handle. The handle should not
be able to be pulled out.
7) If the Bed Leaver
Bed Rail is supplied without a green strap kit, it can now be fitted
between the mattress and bed base as shown in the diagram overleaf. If it is supplied with the
green strap kit please continue to read the fitting instructions.
Please note that the green strap kit can be bought as an accessory at a later date
(Product code STRG200)
Bed Leaver
Bed Rail Instructions