To recharge the RB-6V batteries, you need
not remove them from the MK2-DCI. Just
connect the RCS-13 universal smart bat-
tery charger to the front-panel 12-volt ex-
ternal power jack. Then connect the
charger’s power plug to any 90-260–volt,
60-cycle power outlet. For further instruc-
tions and important information about
charging with the RCS-13, refer to the in-
structions provided with the charger.
Before you connect the battery charger to the external power jack, verify
that the installed batteries are rechargeable batteries. We recommend that
rechargeable batteries be used when external power is supplied. The ex-
ternal source should provide a voltage greater than 12 but less than 15
volts. It will recharge the batteries while the system is operating. Never
attempt to recharge
Before powering up the MK2-DCI, always wait at least 20 minutes for
any gasses expelled during charging to dissipate. While charging batter-
ies, avoid smoking, open flames, or striking a match.
3) ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE: The external receptacle (Fig. 1, #5) pro-
vides an easy terminal for a marine or automotive 12-volt DC source. The
power source should provide 12 volts and a minimum of 3 amps capacity. The
Figure 4. Battery Setup
Figure 5.
Battery PC Board