© 2020 Osmio Water. All rights reserved. Reproduction and copying of the
accompanying user documentation in whole or in part is prohibited.
Osmio Water reserves the right to change its products and services at any time to
incorporate technological developments. This manual is subject to change without
prior notice as part of continuous product development. Although this manual has
been prepared with every precaution to ensure accuracy, Osmio Solutions Ltd
assumes no liability for any errors or omissions, or for any damages resulting from
the application or use of this information. This manual supersedes all previous
No liability for consequential damages
Osmio Water shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential damages
whatsoever arising out of the use or inability to use this product.
The Osmio Sanser Sanitiser 2L are fully guaranteed against defective parts and
materials, including defects caused by poor workmanship. Osmio Water will
replace defective parts or materials during the term of warranty at no extra charge
providing that the system has been used and maintained in accordance with the
following instructions.
For the warranty to be effective, the product must have been purchased directly
from Osmio Solutions Ltd or through authorised distributors. The guarantee is not
transferable to a third party
without prior written approval from Osmio Water. It is strictly prohibited to modify
or upgrade the system in any way. Failure to comply with this precaution will void
the warranty of the system.
If you are experiencing any problem WITH DAMAGED, MISSING OR FAULTY PARTS,
please contact our technical support team. We will ask for pictures/video so
please be prepared to take pictures/video which you can email to
[email protected]. We will require proof of purchase if the product purchased
from the third party.