– blinking green while waiting for a signal from the Lun-R receiver to register in
the control panel memory;
– when the binding is completed successfully – turning on red for 2…3 seconds;
Communication lost
– flashing red once per 15 seconds.
4.2. Binding
A new detector must be bound to the control panel in order to successfully receive its com-
mands from the receiver.
To register a detector, do the following:
1. In the control panel configuration, pre-set the required number of radiozones and ra-
diodetectors, their type, group membership and other parameters;
2. Turn on the control panel in the operating mode and switch to the desired control
panel’s group;
3. Switch the control panel to the wireless detectors binding mode (see the corresponding
control panel programming manual);
4. Install the batteries to the detector observing polarity –
first then the
5. Switch the detector to the binding mode by short-circuit the
contacts for 2…3 sec-
onds (until the blinking green – the signal "
6. Binding will processed automatically and, if successful, ends by turning on the red LED
for 2…3 seconds (signal "
The detector waits 100 seconds for binding. To reinitialize the binding process, repeat the step
5 again.
4.3. Operability check
After registration, the detector should be checked for operability. To do this, insert the thin
(0.8…1.0 mm) wire to the drill in the upper part of the housing until it stop and hold for 6…8 sec-
onds. The indicator should start blinking, and the control panel indicate the
detector alarm
To return to the “normal” state, remove the wire from the detector housing and enter a
command by a control panel. Then the detector indicator should turn off.
A similar check of the detector's operability should be executed every year.
Version en_2